In OmniCardPay, go to Settings > Email > Click Edit on the email you wish to update
The email template created for as part of the Automation development is Sr.No 5Change the text in the template as required. Use variables as required, see below for definitions
Click Submit
If there are significant changes required, please discuss this with OmniSupport by email
Variable Name | Definition |
{USERNAME} | Customers Name |
{ORDERNUMBER} | Order Number |
{RETAILERNAME} | Retailers Name as supplied from OmniParcel |
{CONSIGNMENTNUMBER} | Consignment Number |
{CURRENCY} | Currency |
{SHIPMENTVALUE} | Total Value of Order |
{INVOICEDETAILS} | Table showing all the different fees with a total value |
{TOTALAMOUNT} | Total Amount of fees the customer needs to pay |
{DESTINATIONCOUNTRY} | Country where parcel will be delivered to |
{RETAILERNAMEWITHCONTACTURL} | Hyperlink text displaying the Retailers Name clicking through to Contact Us URL in Retailer Settings |
{TODAYDATEAGEDPARCELTIME} | Date parcel’s status will be update to Aged |
{PAYMENTLINKBUTTON} | Button linking to Payment Page. Text shows “Pay Now” |
{REJECTFEESBUTTON} | Button linking to Reject confirmation Page. Text shows “Reject Fees” |
{PAYMENTLINK} | Link to payment page |
{CUSTOMERSUPPORTEMAIL} | Omnisupport email address |
{FOOTERTEXT} | Footer section |
Email Setting Name | Mandatory | Definition |
Name | Y | Email Name |
Omni SiteId | Y | Omni Site ID |
Senders Name | Y | Will show as who sent the email |
Sending Email Address | Y | Email address sent from |
CC Email Address | N | Email addressed to be CC’d on the email |
BCC Email Address | N | Email addressed to be BCC’d on the email |
Email Subject | Y | Subject of email |
Is Enabled? | Y | Setting to turn email on/off |
Email Body | Y | Body of email |
Logo Image | N | Logo which displays in the header |
Logo Click Link | N | Click through link of logo |
Social Icon Enabled? | Y | Option to show social icons in email |
N | Link to Facebook account | |
GooglePlus | N | Link to GooglePlus account |
N | Link to Instagram account | |
N | Link to Pinterest account | |
N | Link to Twitter account | |
Full Page Background Colour | Y | back ground colour of email |
Main Display Grid Width | Y | display width of email body |
Main Display Grid Background Colour | Y | background colour of email body |