Note: If no Login details please ask our support members for assistance.
What is Wave Picking?
Logged as Admin User then go to Admin Tab > Control Panel > User Accounts.
Then after selecting the user, click the "Permission icon" beside the Clone icon.
To proceed, click the button “Assign New Role”.
Select the “Wave Picking Admin” then click the Assign button.
Wave Picking Admin Role
To Add a new record, click the Create New button.
Select a Client from the dropdown menu and set the "Pick by Licence Plate" to "Yes" if the products cannot be scanned by SKU (Product Code or EAN).
To proceed in adding a new record, just click the Save button and if not, click the Back to List button.
To Edit a record, click the Edit icon beside the Delete button.
Then after editing the record, just click the Save button to proceed in saving the changes and if not click the Back to List Button.
To Delete a record, click the Delete icon beside the Client column.
Then click the OK button to proceed in deleting a record and if not click the Cancel Button.
To Edit a record, click the Edit icon beside the Delete button.
Then after editing the record, just click the Save button to proceed in saving the changes and if not click the Back to List Button.
To Delete a record, click the Delete icon beside the Service Group Code column.
Then click the OK button to proceed in deleting a record and if not click the Cancel Button.
To assign carrier services to an existing Service Group, click on the “Assign Services” button.
To add "Carrier Services" to "Service Group", select the services in the "Services not in the Service Group" grid and then click the Add button.
To Add a new record, click the Create New button.
Enter NI Carrier Group Code (needs to be unique) and enter NI Carrier Group Name.
To Edit a new record, click the Edit icon beside the Delete button
Then after editing the record, just click the Save button to proceed in saving the changes and if not click the Back to List Button.
To Delete a record, click the Delete icon beside the NI Carrier Group Code column.
Then click the OK button to proceed in deleting a record and if not click the Cancel Button.
To assign carrier services to an existing Non Integrated Group, click on the “Assign Services” button.
To add "Carrier Services" to "Non Integrated Carrier Group", select the carrier in the "Carriers not in the Non Integrated Carrier Group" grid and then click the Add button.
Then enter Total Units in Dispatch (optional), No of Lines In Dispatch (optional).
To proceed in adding a new record, just click the Save button and if not, click the Back to List button.
To Edit a record, click the Edit icon beside the Delete button.
Then after editing the record, just click the Save button to proceed in saving the changes and if not click the Back to List Button.
To Delete a record, click the Delete icon beside the Configuration Code column.
Then click the OK button to proceed in deleting a record and if not click the Cancel Button.
To view the list of zones to a wave configuration, select a client from the dropdown menu and click the “Zones” button.
Add New Wave Configurations Zone
To Add a new zone to a wave configuration, click the Create New button.
Select a Zone from the dropdown menu and If "Must Include" is set to "Yes", then for a dispatch to qualify it must have at least one pick from this zone.
To proceed in adding a new zone, just click the Save button and if not, click the Back to List button.
To Edit a Wave Configuration Zone, click the Edit icon beside the Delete button.
Then after editing the Wave Configuration Zone, just click the Save button to proceed in saving the changes and if not click the Back to List Button.
To Delete a Wave Configuration Zone, click the delete icon beside the Zone Name Column.
Then click the OK button to proceed in deleting a record and if not click the Cancel Button.
Enter the Starting Plate Number, Number of Labels to generate, Prefix to appear before the plate number. If "Combined Labels" is set to "Yes", the labels will be combined and if "No", the labels will be printed individually.
Combined Labels set to "Yes".
Combined Labels set to "No".
Pick Release
Pick Waves are constructed by sequencing the requested SKU’s and quantities in one of two selectable ways:
To proceed, click the "Create" button. A confirmation message will be displayed:
Click the "OK" button to create the pick waves and allocate the stock.
*After pick release – SO status is Confirmed and dispatch is now ready to be pick.
Click the "Print All" button to print all the Wave Summary Sheets, Dispatch Notes and Non Standard Requirements for the newly created waves.\
Print Wave Summary Sheets
Click the "Print Wave Summary Sheets" button to print all the Wave Summary Sheets for the newly created waves.
Print Dispatch Notes
Click the "Print Dispatch Notes" button to print all the Dispatch Notes for the newly created waves.
The "Wave No" and "Plate ID" will be displayed at the bottom of each dispatch note:
Print Non Standard Requirements
Click the "Print Non Standard Requirements" button to print all the Non Standard Requirements (E.G Engraving) for the newly created waves..
Pick Release by Configuration
If a user knows the wave configuration that needs to be released, this will be faster way than the "Pick Release" module.
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Pick Release by Configuration.
Select a Client from the dropdown menu, then select the wave configuration from the “Configuration”.
Note: When generating a wave, suspended licence plate or suspended location are excluded. If a dispatch cannot fit into a Wave Configuration (Catch All wave configuration) it will be for one of the following reasons:
- Licence Plate is suspended.
- Location is suspended.
- Decrease Stock Adjustment was done AFTER we accepted the order.
Then, select the Release Method, enter the Max number of dispatches for release and click the “Preview” button to view what dispatches will be included in the Wave based.
Click the "Create" button. A confirmation message will be displayed:
Click the "OK" button to create the pick waves and allocate the stock.
- Print All
Click the "Print All" button to print all the Wave Summary Sheets, Dispatch Notes and Non-Standard Requirements for the newly created waves.
- Print Wave Summary Sheets
Click the "Print Wave Summary Sheets" button to print all the Wave Summary Sheets.
- Print Dispatch Notes
Click the "Print Dispatch Notes" button to print all the Dispatch Notes.
- Print Non Standard Requirements
Click the "Print Non Standard Requirements" button to print all the Non Standard Requirements.
Pick Release History
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Pick Release History.
- All Tab
The "All" tab will display the latest pick releases in the DC.
- Active Tab
The "Active" tab will display the pick releases where the waves for a pick release are still active.
- Complete Tab
The "Complete" tab will display the pick releases where all the waves for a pick release have been completed.
- Closed Tab
The "Closed" tab will display the pick releases where all the waves for a pick release have been closed using the "Close Wave" process.
Click the "Expand / Collapse" grid command to view the "Waves" for the selected Pick Release.
- Print All
Click the "Print All" button to print all the Wave Summary Sheets, Dispatch Notes and Non-Standard Requirements for the newly created waves.
- Print Wave Summary Sheets
Click the "Print Wave Summary Sheets" button to print all the Wave Summary Sheets.
- Print Dispatch Notes
Click the "Print Dispatch Notes" button to print all the Dispatch Notes.
- Print Non Standard Requirements
Click the "Print Non Standard Requirements" button to print all the Non Standard Requirements.
Mobile Wave Picking
Login to the HHT.
Then enter the provided Username and Password and click the “Sign In” button.
Note: If no Login details please ask our support members for assistance.
Then, click the "Wave Picking" menu option on the mobile device.
Scan the wave barcode to take you directly to the wave to be picked.
The barcode can be found on the Wave Summary Sheet.
Or select a client from the dropdown menu and Click the “Load Waves” button.
Click the "Select" button to start the Pick process.
Then, scan the Location, SKU, Plate Number, enter the quantity to pick and then click the "Pick" button.
*Once the Wave No. is selected and start to pick, SO status will change to Being Picked.
If the "Qty to Pick" is greater than the physical stock available in that location, then will need to tap the Skip button.
Then, a confirmation message will be encountered to ensure they did not click the "Skip" button my mistake. Click the OK button to continue, and if not, click the Cancel button.
A message will be encountered "No Available Inventory - This line will be short shipped". Then click the "Short Ship" button and this will need to be reviewed in the "Close Wave".
When the Wave is fully completed, a "Wave Complete" message will be displayed and the user can start processing the next wave.
Close Wave
This will display all the waves that have been completed, have been short ship and skipped.
Wave Short Shipped/Skip Process Note:
- Skipped = No | Short Shipped = No, Then the user never skipped anything when picking the wave.
- Skipped = Yes | Short Shipped = Yes, Then the user skipped when picking and no stock could be found anywhere else in the DC and the user clicked the short ship button.
- Skipped = Yes | Short Shipped = No, Then the user skipped when picking but stock was found in another location.
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Close Wave.
Select a wave from the list and click the “Close” button.
Then click the OK button to proceed and if not click the Cancel Button.
*When the wave is finally closed, SO status will now change to Pick Complete, and is now ready to be pack.
Close Wave Allocations
To view the allocation details, user must click the “Allocations icon” beside the short-shipped lines icon.
To expand the allocation detail, user must click the “+” icon beside the Plate Number column.
To go back from the close wave list, user must click the button “Back To List”.
Short Shipped Lines
To view the short shipped line details, user must click the “Short Shipped Lines icon” beside the Client column.
To expand the allocation detail, user must click the “+” icon beside the find stock icon.
To Find stock, user must click the “find stock” icon beside the beside the Plate Number column.
User will encounter confirmation message. To continue finding stock and change the status of the wave from Complete back to Active, user must click the button “OK” and if not, click the button Cancel.
To go back from the close wave list, user must click the button “Back To List”.
Suspended Licence Plates
This will display all the licence plates that have been suspended when the user skips a pick on the mobile device.
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Suspended Licence Plates.
Select a Licence plate and click the “Unsuspend” button to make the licence plate active.
Then click the "OK" button to proceed and if not click the Cancel Button.
Dispatch Quantity Adjustment
This process will allow a user to decrease dispatch line quantities to force a dispatch to fit in a wave. This will be for instances when a decrease stock adjustment is done AFTER we have accepted an order and there is now insufficient stock for the dispatch to fit in the wave.
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Dispatch Quantity Adjustment.
To display the records for Dispatch Quantity Adjustment module, user must select a client from the dropdown and click the “Search” button.
To view the dispatch and line details, user must click the icon view beside the Client column.
Adjust Dispatch Line Quantity
Note: Users must notify the clients first before doing the dispatch quantity adjustment process.
To adjust the dispatch line quantities, user must click the Adjust Quantity icon.
Then, user must populate the New Quantity field and click the “Update” button to continue, and if not, click the “X” button.
- New Quantity must not be greater than the Current Quantity.
- Setting the quantity to “0” (zero) will remove the line from dispatch.
- And dispatch having a 1 line only cannot set the quantity to 0.
Then click the OK button to proceed and if not click the Cancel Button.
Pick History
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Pick History.
To display the records in Pick History module, user must select a client from the dropdown menu, then select a Pick date “from and to” using a date picker filter, and click the button “Search” to continue.
Pick Summary
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Pick Summary.
This will display the user’s number of picks and pick quantity.
To show the record in Pick Summary module, user must select a date using a date picker filter, then click the button “Search” to continue.
Note: Pick Date filters (Date from and Date To) must not be greater than six months differences.
Wave History
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Wave History.
- All Tab
The "All" tab will display the latest waves in the DC.
- Active Tab
The "Active" tab will display the all waves that are still active.
- Complete Tab
The "Complete" tab will display all the waves have been completed.
- Closed Tab
The "Closed" tab will display all the waves that have been closed using the "Close Wave" process.
- Print All
Click the "Print All" button to print all the Wave Summary Sheets, Dispatch Notes and Non-Standard Requirements for the newly created waves.
- Print Wave Summary Sheets
Click the "Print Wave Summary Sheets" button to print all the Wave Summary Sheets.
- Print Dispatch Notes
Click the "Print Dispatch Notes" button to print all the Dispatch Notes.
- Print Non Standard Requirements
Click the "Print Non Standard Requirements" button to print all the Non Standard Requirements.
Wave Summary
This will provide a summary of all the waves that have been generated.
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Wave Summary.
The filters above the grid will assist users in identifying what wave a dispatch or sales order is in.
Allocation Failures
Go to Logistics Tab > Wave Picking > Allocations Failures.
This report helps the users to see the list of dispatches failed in wave allocation.
Note: The below dispatches have the potential to fail to qualify for a wave depending on the wave configuration used.
This can be as a result of suspended locations, suspended licence plates or decrease stock adjustments done after the dispatches were created.