On the account screen, each carrier can be turned on or off. This is done by clicking on the far-right column. This will change the carrier from enabled to disabled and vice versa.
Enable Tracking
Tracking needs to be manually set up for OmniParcel to send OmniRPS the tracking events. Without this, credits may not be issued to customers
In OP admin > Search Accounts > Feeback Files
Click the Add/pencil icon
Add all the carriers the retailer will be using
File format: Omni_Tracking_with_reference_returns
Enable: Yes
Outpu: Email_And_Ftp_push_out
Email address: ftptracingfile@gmail.com
Ftp server: ftp.omniparcel.com
ftp port: leave blank
Username: Kinjal
Click Save
Please continue to OmniReturns Account set up