The service is can be found on Swagger.
Go to Support > REST Testing Tool > Find “Retrieve Stock LotNo Quantity”
This service can only retrieve product stock quantity that was lot controlled enabled. If not, then user will receive an error message: "No results found for search criteria"
Call Parameters
HTTP | /<service>/<version>/<parameters> |
GET | /stock/v3/lotnoquantity |
Environment | Request URL |
UAT | https://ihubuat.supplystream.com:8081/api/stock/v3/lotnoquantity?api_key=<api_Key> |
Live | https://ihub.supplystream.com:8081/api/stock/v3/lotnoquantity?api_key=<api_Key> |
Header | Requirement | JSON | XML |
Accept | Optional. Returns XML if undefined. | Accept: application/json | Accept: application/xml |
Request URL examples with parameters
Description | Parameters | Request URL |
Includes multiple product codes (SKU examples: AFG_Sample_Lot1 and AFG_Sample_Lot2) | Product Codes: AFG_Sample_Lot1, AFG_Sample_Lot2 | |
Includes DC Code and product code parameters | Product Codes: AFG_Sample_Lot1, AFG_Sample_Lot2 |
A DC must be supplied
This service can only retrieve product stock quantity that was lot controlled enabled. If not, then user will receive an error message: "No results found for search criteria"
If the product has multiple LotNumber assigned, then the result stock quantity will be separated by LotNumber
All location types will be provided, both pickable and not pickable.
API call formatting
XML Format | |
Body | N/A |
Example success Response Body | <Response> |
Example failure Response Body | <Response> |
JSON Format | |
Body | N/A |
Example success Response Body | { |
Example failure Response Body | { |