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Step 1: Open ViewPoint Load
On the desktop navigation bar select 2 - Outbound > ViewPoint Load > ViewPoint Load

Step 2: Assign Route
All FTL/LTL sales orders must be assigned to a outbound dock door. This is done by assigning the route to a door.
The operator selects a door and clicks “Assign Route” button.
Gray = Empty, Green = Route/Sales Orders Assigned, Yellow = Aging Sales Orders, Red = Work Complete & Close Truck Alert
Note, to assign newly dropped orders to a door, select the door and click the “Add to Route" button.

Step 3: Select Sales Orders
A list of “Routes” will be displayed on the screen.
Locate the route and click the blue “Assign Route” button. This will open a list of all sales orders by order line with the same route.
Select all sales orders you wish to assign to the selected door.
Sales orders can have multiple work type assignments. The work type assignments will be displayed on this screen.
Different work types can be assigned to the same door.
The assigned work type will determine the picking and packing workflows to process the sales orders.
Truckload = Order Pick, Pallet Pick = Pallet Pick, Case Pick = Case Pick. This work instruction will demonstrate a Case Pick sales order.
The corresponding rectangle under the “Stage” column will blink green if sales orders were successfully assigned to the selected door.
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Step 4: Open “Case Pick” on Mobile Scanner
The operator proceeds to the picking process.
On the mobile scanner, select the “Order Pick” menu option.
Step 5: Scan Door & Work Zone
The operator will be promoted to scan/enter the door and the work zone. (Respectively, in the listed order).
The work zone for all fulfillment centers will be set to “DEFAULT”.

Step 6: View Work Order Details
Work order details will be visible to the operator before beginning the pick process for the sales order.
The operator proceeds the picking process by clicking the “Start” button.

Step 7: Scan LPN
The operator scans the LPN that will be used to hold the requested inventory.
Every case picked will need an individual LPN.

Step 8: Scan Location
The operator arrives to the directed location and scans the location bar code.
Scanning the location validates the operator is at the correct location.

Step 9: Enter Product Information
The operator proceeds to scan the product barcode and enter the quantity picked. (Respectively in the listed order).
User might be prompted to enter the remainder quantity in location.
“Enter Quantity in Location”

Step 10: Confirm Drop Off
The operator clicks the “Confirm Drop Off” button.
The picked product will be dropped off at the assigned door for the packing process.
Step 11: Begin Packing
Once the picking process is complete, the operator begins to pack the sales order on the desktop.
On the desktop navigation bar select 2 - Outbound >Packing > Pack & Ship LTL/FTL.
The operator scans/enters the appropriate work bench.

Step 12: Scan LPN
The operator scans the LPN attached to the case.

Step 13: Enter and Confirm Package Information
The weight and box size will be auto calculated.
If the weight and box size are NOT auto calculated, review the “Work Bench” confluence page or submit a ticket to our ServiceNow desk.
If the carrier was not determined during the sales order entry, the operator will now select the carrier and service level.
The operator proceeds to click the “Process Shipment” button.
A label and a packing list will be returned.
Repeat steps 12 -13 for all LPNs that need to be packed.

Step 14: Assign Truck
Once the picking process is complete, the order must be packed.
On the desktop navigation bar select 2 - Outbound > ViewPoint Load > ViewPoint Load
Select the appropriate door and click the “Assign Truck” button.
In the “Trailer Type” field, select the “TRAILER - Trailer” option and click the “Assign Truck" button.
The operator will be prompted to enter the Trailer ID.
The corresponding truck icon under the “Truck” column, will blink green.
The corresponding rectangle will also blink red once all sales orders assigned to the door are picked and packed.

Step 15: Scan Dock Door and ASN
Once the carrier arrives, the packages must be loaded on to the truck.
On the mobile scanner, select the “Load Truck” menu option.
The operator is promoted to scan the outbound dock door.
The operator proceeds to scan the LPNs/ASNs.
Currently, the load truck workflow only recognizes the ASN reference number, generated by JASCI.
To obtain the corresponding ASNs navigate to “ViewPoint Load” > Select the Door > click “Door Details”.

Step 16: Close Truck
On the desktop, the operator navigates back to ViewPoint Load.
The operator selects the door and clicks the “Close Truck” button.
Once, all packages are loaded on to the truck, the truck icon will blink red.
The operator is directed to the “Door Detail” screen where they will click the “Close Truck" button again and confirm the trailer ID.
If the trailer ID has changed, the operator makes changes on this screen.
A success message will appear, and the BOL will generate if the truck is successfully closed.