Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description | ||
Origin | N | Multiple fields | |||
Destination | Y | Multiple fields | |||
DeliveryInstructions | N | String(120 Characters) | For special instructions for delivery to appear on label
| ||
SendTrackingEmail | N | Boolean (true/false) | Should a track and trace email be required to be sent
| ||
Packages | Y | Multiple fields | |||
Commodities | Y | Multiple fields | |||
DangerousGoods | C | Multiple fields | Refer to Commodity Information, DangerousGoods, and DangerousGoodsItem
| ||
issignaturerequired | N | Boolean (true/false) | If “true”, Signature on Delivery is required. If “false”, no signature on delivery is required | ||
DeliveryReference | Y | String (1000 characters) | Shipment reference number (commonly used for the online order number/customer reference) | ||
Reference2 | N | String (500 characters) | Additional Shipment Reference | ||
Reference3 | N | String (500 characters) | Additional Shipment Reference | ||
PrintToPrinter | N | Boolean (true/false) | If “true” system will send job to installed Print Agent.
| ||
Outputs | Y | Requested label size and format. Response will be provided in JSON string array. Refer to Output Information | |||
Carrier | N | String(50 Characters) | Where multiple carrier options are available, a carrier can be pre-nominated. E.g “Omni Parcel”. | ||
Service | C | String (max length defined by available services) | Where multiple service options are available, a service must be pre-nominated. Eg. “eCommerce Standard Tracked“ “eCommerce Express Tracked“ “Domestic Express“ “Domestic Standard“ “Domestic Large Parcel” | ||
ShipType | N | String (10 characters) | Use “INBOUND” for returns, Not required for normal outbound shipments (Used by OmniReturns only) | ||
DutiesAndTaxesByReceiver | Y* | Boolean (true/false) | True = DDU (Duties and Taxes will need to be paid by recipient) False = DDP (Duties and Taxes will need to be paid by the sender)
| ||
ProductCategory | N | String (50 characters) | Parent category, e.g. stationary, fashion, beauty products, shoes etc | ||
SendLabel | N | String (1 Character) | “Y” Or “N” – if “Y” then email with the label attached will be sent to end customer (used by OmniReturns only) | ||
LabelBranding | N | Object (see “description) | public class CustomBranding
public string LogoFilename { get; set; }
| ||
IncludeLineDetails | N | Boolean (true/false) | If “True” OmniParcel will return all relevant tracking numbers in the “Items” tag under “Consignments” If “False” OmniParcel will return the consignment number only See sample request below for more information
| ||
InvoiceData | N | String (no max limit) | For passing the commercial invoice to OmniParcel | ||
CODValue | N | Decimal (18,4) | COD Value (Cash on delivery amount). Only used for some carriers | ||
CostCentreId | N | String | Cost Centre id # if known | ||
CostCentreName | N | String | Name of Cost Centre or code if known | ||
TaxCollected | C | Boolean (true/false) | Required by some carriers and when shipping to some countries | ||
AmountCollected | C | Decimal (18,2) | The tax amount that has been collected. Required by some carriers and when shipping to some countries. Please note that this is on consignment level, not commodity level | ||
TaxIDs | C | Multiple fields |
Code Block |
{ "DeliveryReference": "OrderNumber123", "Reference2": "", "Reference3": "", "Origin": { "Id": 0, "Name": "OriginName", "Address": { "BuildingName": "", "StreetAddress": "285 Main Street", "Suburb": "GLENWOOD", "City": "NSW", "PostCode": "2768", "CountryCode": "AU" }, "ContactPerson": "Origin personcontact name", "PhoneNumber": "02 9111 01101", "Email": "originemail@testoriginemail@sekologistics.com" }, "Destination": { "Id": 0, "Name": "DestinationNameDestination Name", "Address": { "BuildingName": "VICMarkettown", "StreetAddress": "285 Coward Street", "Suburb": "TESBURY", "City": "QLDVIC", "PostCode": "3260", "CountryCode": "AU" }, "ContactPerson": "JOHN SMITH", "PhoneNumber": "02 9111 1111", "Email": "destinationemail@test.com", "DeliveryInstructions": "LEAVE AT FRONT DOOR", "RecipientTaxId": "123456", "SendTrackingEmail": "true" }, "CommoditiesDangerousGoods": [ { "Description{ "AdditionalHandlingInfo": "Food "sample", "HazchemCode": "sample", "IsRadioActive": "false", "CargoAircraftOnly": "false", "IsDGLQ": "false", "TotalQuantity": 2, "TotalKg": 1.2, "SignOffName": "name", "SignOffRole": "dangerous goods officer" }, "Commodities": [ { "Description": "Food Bar", "Units": "1", "UnitValue": 50, "UnitKg": 0.6, "Currency": "USD", "Country": "AU", "IsDG": true, "DangerousGoodsItem": { "Description": "sample", "ClassOrDivision": "sample", "UNorIDNo": "sample", "PackingGroup": "sample", "SubsidaryRisk": "sample", "Packing": "sample", "PackingInstr": "sample", "Authorization": "sample" }, { "Description": "Food Bar", "Units": "1", "UnitValue": 50, "UnitKg": 0.6, "Currency": "USD", "Country": "AU" }, , { "IsDG": true, "DangerousGoodsItem": { "Description": "Food Barsample", "ClassOrDivision": "sample", "UNorIDNo": "sample", "PackingGroup": "Units"sample", "SubsidaryRisk": "1sample", "UnitValue "Packing": 50, "UnitKg": 0.6, "Currency"sample", "PackingInstr": "sample", "Authorization": "USDsample", "Country": "AU"}, } ], "Packages": [ { "Height": 1, "Length": 1, "Width": 1, "Kg": 5, "Name": "PARCEL", "Type": "Box", "OverLabelBarcode": "TEST0301201902" } ], "issignaturerequired": false, "DutiesAndTaxesByReceiver": false, "PrintToPrinter": true, "IncludeLineDetails": true, "Carrier":"Omni Parcel", "Service":"eCommerce Express Tracked", "CostCentreName": "mysite.com", "CodValue": 10.00, "TaxCollected": true, "AmountCollected": 10.00, "TaxIds": [ { "IdType": "XIEORINumber", "IdNumber": "0121212112" }, { "IdType": "IOSSNUMBER", "IdNumber": "0121212112" }, { "IdType": "GBEORINUMBER", "IdNumber": "0121212112" }, { "IdType": "VOECNUMBER", "IdNumber": "0121212112" }, { "IdType": "VATNUMBER", "IdNumber": "0121212112" }, { "IdType": "VENDORID", "IdNumber": "0121212113" }, { "IdType": "NZIRDNUMBER", "IdNumber": "0121212115" }, { "IdType": "SWISS VAT", "IdNumber": "CHE-123.456.789" }, { "IdType": "OVRNUMBER", "IdNumber": "0121212112" }, { "IdType": "EUEORINumber", "IdNumber": "0121212112" }, { "IdType": "EUVATNumber", "IdNumber": "0121212112" }, { "IdType": "LVGRegistrationNumber", "IdNumber": "0121212112" } ], "Outputs": [ "LABEL_PDF_100X150" ] } |