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What is a LTL/FTL Sales Order?
A parcel LTL/FTL sales order is any sales order with the “Truckload”, “Pallet Pick” or “Case Pick” work type assignment. Note, a different process for LTL/FTL sales orders must be followed otherwise the sales order will not receive the correct workflow.

Step 1: Open Sales Order Entry

On the navigation bar select 2 - Outbound > Entry > Sales Order Entry

Step 2: Enter Customer ID

In the “Customer ID” field, enter the customer ID and click the “New Order” button.

  • If the customer does not have an ID, one will need to be created. Select the “New Customer” button, to create a new customer ID.

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Step 3: Enter Sales Order Header

Proceed to enter/adjust the header information.

  • Sales Order ID: is autogenerated but can be adjusted.

  • Carrier: The carrier name who will be shipping the sales order to the end consumer. Note, if this information is unknown this field can be left blank.

  • Carrier Service: The service level agreement. Note, if this information is unknown this field can be left blank.

  • Action: This field cannot be left blank and must be set to “INSERT”

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Step 4: Ship To Information

On top of the header, 5 blue tabs are displayed. Begin by clicking the “Ship To” tab.

  • In the “Ship To” field, displayed under the header, select the correct address the sales order will be shipped to.

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Step 5: Payment Information

Select the “Payment” tab and enter any information that is applicable.

  • Ship VIA: A drop down list will appear select the appropriate option (LTL or FTL)

    • This field is required otherwise the sales order will not receive the correct workflow.

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Step 6: Order Information

Select the “Order” tab and enter any information that is applicable.

  • Route: Enter a meaningful value in this field.

    • e.g You have many LTL sales order using FEDEX as their carrier. Entering “FEDEX” in the route field for all sales orders would consolidate them into one group in Viewpoint Load.

    • This field is required otherwise the sales order will not appear in the in Viewpoint Load. If the order is not visible in Viewpoint Load the order will not be pickable.

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Step 7: Products Information

Select the “Products” tab, this screen will allow you to enter the requested product and quantity. Click the “Add Line” button to begin adding order lines.

  • Product: Enter the SKU name/number. Product barcode will not be recognized on this screen.

  • QTY: Enter the quantity being requested.

    • Depending on the quantity request and current inventory, the sales order will receive the following work type assignments: Truckload, Pallet Pick or Case Pick.

  • Action: The action MUST be set to “INSERT” otherwise the order will fail to save.

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Step 8: Promotion Information

Select the “Promotion” tab and enter any information that is applicable. Note, the ship complete field defaults to “Complete Available” if left blank.

  • Ship Available: Ships what fulfillment center has available. If the inventory has a unknown discrepancy or if a product from a sales order is unavailable JASCI will allow operator to pick and pack.

  • Ship Complete: Will not ship a sales order if all requested product and quantity is not available. If the inventory has a unknown discrepancy or if a product from a sales order is unavailable JASCI send the sales order to either the “Trouble Work” or “Trouble Station”.

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END: Save and Send to WMS

Once all information is entered proceed to save and send the sales order to the WMS respectively.

  • Select the green “Save/Update” button. A success message will be displayed if the order was saved.

  • Select the gray “Send to WMS" button. A drop down list will be displayed, select the correct fulfillment if access to several fulfillment centers has been granted.

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