LTL Mawbs - Carrier Quote Number
Mawb Carrier Rating Batch Tool - Search by Customer
Customer/Family Mileage Rating - New Option: Airport/ZipCode
Hawb Boards - Change Status - Sorted Alphabetically
Hawb Boards - Time In/Time Out
Hawb/Mawb Board Searching - NEW Advanced search abilities
* WARNING ** Your previously saved grid settings will be removed,
as we’ve added new columns and made boards more consistent.
Hawb/Mawb Boards - User Views
Mawb Mass Uploads - Data scheduled to be processed
Aggregate Costs option by Agent Chg Wgt
Here are the changes released in the latest version of RED.NA.
4. Hawb Boards - Change Status - Sorted Alphabetically
The dropdown for statuses on the boards have been sorted alphabetically.
5. Hawb Boards - Time In/Time Out
6. Hawb/Mawb Board Searching - NEW Advanced search abilities
** WARNING ** Your previously saved grid settings will be removed, as we’ve added new columns and
made boards more consistent.
The Hawb and Mawb Boards search capabilities have been upgraded. Searching is now on the right side.
8. Mawb Mass Uploads - Data scheduled to be processed.
In the Mawb Mass Upload Batch tool, load your CSV file first. Data can be modified on the screen, if any changes are needed. Click the Process button, in order to schedule the uploads to process.