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Each returns processing hub needs it’s own OmniParcel account set up. This enables the hubs to create outer labels.

  1. Admin OMNIRPS accounts will need to be created for returns repatriation back to the client’s warehouse. The Admin OMNIRPS accounts are classified as Outbound accounts, so they need to follow the same steps.

  2. You will need to create an account for every hub that will be processing the clients returns. So, if the client is doing returns in UK, US, EU, CA, AU, you will need to set up five separate accounts. e.g below client is doing returns in these locations and the returns then need to be consolidated and sent back to their warehouse of choice.

  3. We suggest cloning the accounts for this process, otherwise it will take some time. Example below of how accounts appear in Omni with three returns countries activated.

  4. If you are setting up from scratch, follow the same process in Step 3. Add New

  5. Account Name’ Customer name OMNIRPS NZ’ The country code highlighted in red will differ for each account as it depends on the which hub you are setting the account up for.

  6. Site Address will be the specific hub in each country. Carrier matrix has the return hub addresses.

  7. Add the carrier, OmniParcel Returns. This is where the International Returns rates on the contract will be added into. Do not add them into the specific return’s carrier. 

  8. The outbound carrier added into the account depends on where the parcels are going back to. We recommend setting up the ‘Address Label’ carrier as it is likely that the local SEKO station will deliver the returns to the client’s facility. Map to Omni Parcel Returns carrier.

  9. If an integrated carrier (DHL, Australia Post, Fedex etc.) needs to be used, follow the same process as outbound. Set up that carrier and map the delivery type to the Omni Parcel Returns carrier with ‘AIR TRACKED’.

  10. Creating users and API key

    1. Use steps in OmniParcel user guide to create users.

    2. Naming Conventions for OMNI RPS Account:

      Username/Email: (Change NZ depending on the returns Hub – i.e. AUreturns for AU hub)

      Full Name: ‘Customer name OMNIRPS NZ’ (Change NZ depending on Returns Hub)

      New Password: api@123

    3. Copy API key and store this information as it will be needed for setting up OmniReturns


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