Ultimate Creations (LAS)

Ultimate Creations (LAS)

Ultimate Creations has a Quickbooks spreadsheet that is uploaded to SEKO. Inventory is depleted from the IMS (Inventory Management System) and TMS records are created. LAS has the MS3PL Print Manager running, and will immediately get labels on their shipments.

Current Process

  1. Ron Hudy from LAS pulls a file from Ultimate Creations, and manipulates prior to providing to SEKO.

  2. The Helpdesk puts the file in this path, and runs the executable

\\app02\GentranFTP\MS3PL Customer Data Importer


New Process

SFTP Set up for Ultimate Creations

Username: ultimate.sftp

  1. LAS will send file via SFTP - Sent instructions 7/27

  2. Biztalk to pickup file, and move to process location

  3. Copy exe to Fixiedust (New file location from App02) - done 7/27

  4. Job scheduled to process executable on a 5 minute basis - done 7/27



** Been working with Keith @ Ultimate Creations to get a file format that SEKO can work with, to rework the import.

@Craig.Johnson @Manjunath Hireholi

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