CargoWise Webinarrs

CargoWise Webinarrs

This message is being sent to all active US CargoWise Users



Spring into Summer with some CargoWise Learning Webinars!


Attention US International Operators


Please join us every Thursday & Friday during the month of May for some CargoWise learning. There are two different options for each topic, each session will cover the same content so attendance to one only is required. Thursday’s will be focused on specific topics, and Friday’s will be an optional open forum office hours. Please come on Friday prepared with any questions you may have on the topics covered or general best practice or guidance. We have a lot of system changes coming up and we want to stay engaged with you as we move towards our One Job Strategy. For any additional support outside of these topics and office hours please open a ticket on our Corporate Operations Support Portal


SEKO provides a suite of logistics services which enable you to use your supply chain as a competitive differentiator. As a customer centric organization, we are powered by the expertise of our people and our in-house developed, best in class, customizable technology. It is this combination which gives SEKO its strength. With over 150 offices in 60 countries worldwide, our unique shareholder management model enables you to benefit from Global implementation experience and expertise across all industry sectors, coupled with vital in-country knowledge and service at the local level.

To find out how SEKO can transform your business, please contact: hello@sekologistics.com

© SEKO 2023





Webinar Link


CargoWise Container Management / Milestones / Reports Option 1

May 4th 1:00-2:00 CST

Register Here

  1. Client Facing Container Milestones & Reporting

  1. Keeping Track of Container Availability, Storage, and Detention

  1. How Detention Penalty Days are Calculated

CargoWise Container Management / Milestones / Reports Option 2

May 4th 3:00-4:00 CST

Register Here

Friday CargoWise Office Hours

May 5th 1:30-2:30 CST

Register Here

This will be an open forum and welcome any questions related to any of the other CargoWise Webinar content, or general operational guidance questions and feedback.

CargoWise Master Data Management Team (Option 1)

May 11th 11:00-12:00 CST

Register Here

A new centralized Master Data Management Team has been tasked with creating new organizations, converting temporary organizations to new organizations and data clean-up of existing organization data. They will service all time zones, with the overriding principle that our business will be supported quickly as needed

CargoWise Master Data Management Team (Option 2)

May 11th 3:00-4:00 CST

Register Here

Friday CargoWise Office Hours

May 12th 1:30-2:30 CST

Register Here

This will be an open forum and welcome any questions related to any of the other CargoWise Webinar content, or general operational guidance questions and feedback.

International Agent Look Up & Management (Option 1)

May 18th 11:00-12:00 CST

Register Here

Review how to look up exclusive vs non exclusive agents, agent operation instructions, BOL usage etc.

International Agent Look Up & Management (Option 2)

May 18th 1:30-2:30 CST

Register Here

Friday CargoWise Office Hours

May 19th 1:30-2:30 CST

Register Here

This will be an open forum and welcome any questions related to any of the other CargoWise Webinar content, or general operational guidance questions and feedback.

Phasing (Option 1)

May 25th 11:00-12:00 CST

Register Here

As part of our One Job Strategy we will be mandating certain fields in CargoWise that will be solely the responsibility  to be maintained by origin vs destination through the use of CargoWise Phases. Our Bansard offices use this function today successfully.

Phasing (Option 2)

May 25th 1:30-2:30 CST

Register Here

Friday CargoWise Office Hours

May 26th 1:30-2:30 CST

Register Here

This will be an open forum and welcome any questions related to any of the other CargoWise Webinar content, or general operational guidance questions and feedback.

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