New CargoWise Automation Feature - Global Intercompany Invoicing

New CargoWise Automation Feature - Global Intercompany Invoicing




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Live Now! New Automation Feature in CargoWise

Intercompany Invoicing

The Intercompany invoicing function allows operators to import receivables invoices issued by sister companies (Overseas SEKO Offices sharing the same CargoWise) automatically and post directly into the shipment! Please find attached SOP on how to use this feature.

Operational Impact – What is changing?

  1. Using this feature will save operators time from having to manually add each charge line item, reference, and post those charges.

  2. Minimize emails chasing origin or destination for invoices, if invoices are billed timely they will auto appear in the job to be imported.

  3. Less errors on creditor codes, discrepancies, - will improve data integrity.


What is required?

  1. Review the attached SOP on how to start using this feature

  2. Before importing and posting, be sure that the charges are agreed to. If there are discrepancies do not post, ask origin or destination office to revise and resubmit.

  3. Spread the word to your local SEKO colleagues!


Out of Scope:

  1. Periodic and or bulk invoicing at this time.


For additional support:

Transform Ops Portal - Please open a ticket through this portal.






SEKO provides a suite of logistics services which enable you to use your supply chain as a competitive differentiator. As a customer-centric organization, we are powered by the expertise of our people and our in-house developed, best in class, customizable technology. It is this combination which gives SEKO its strength. With over 120 offices in 40 countries worldwide, our unique shareholder management model enables you to benefit from Global implementation experience and expertise across all industry sectors, coupled with vital in-country knowledge and service at the local level.

© SEKO 2022






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