SEKO Global Rate Management (Magaya)

SEKO Global Rate Management (Magaya)

What is SEKO Global Rate Management (Magaya)?

Magaya is a leading Rate Management software that SEKO uses to manage Global Air, Ocean and ground Contracts to fully automate the quote generation process for handling customer rate inquiries quickly and efficiently.

Magaya Rate Management Key Benefits to SEKO Network?

  • Single source of global air and ocean rates

  • Direct connection with major FCL carriers to ensure we're always current.

  • Global FMC management for TRI and NRA management to stay compliant.

  • Standardized global minimum rate structure on accessorial charges.

  • Global Customer-centric standard quote templates

  • Electronic quote status tracking and win rate stats.

  • Enabling anyone within SEKO to generate global quotations within minutes (Speed to Market)

  • Reduced email communication on inquiries internally (Pull instead of Push)

  • Integration with CW1 reduces operational workload.