5.2 Tracking Portal Campaign

5.2 Tracking Portal Campaign

Setting up and managing a tracking portal campaign


A tracking portal campaign enables the user to have a customised image with a customised url destination within the tracking portal for all your consignments.


  1. To create or manage a tracking portal campaign, to go Administration > Tracking Portal Campaigns > Campaign

  2. From here you can either create a new campaign, or edit an existing campaign

    1. Create new campaign:

      1. Click on “Add new”


      2. A new screen will load with a set of fields that need to be populated

      3. Fields explained: See table 1 below

      4. Adding an image: Once you have saved your new campaign, the screen will refresh and you can add an image. Please note: your campaign will not be displayed until you add an image. Click on the name of the saved campaign that you want to add one or multiple images to:

      5. Click “Add image” on the new page that opens up

      6. A new window will open up and you need to populate the following fields:

        1. Description - give it an easy to remember name for future reference

        2. Select if you want it to be active or not. An inactive image will not be displayed

        3. Enter the url you want the user to be taken to when clicking on the image

        4. Click on “Choose file” to upload your selected image from your computer. NOTE: Images should be 700x300px to display propely. If image is larger, then OmniParcel will resize and crop it to the required size, so its better to provide images in the required dimensions. Image size must be between 100kb to 150kb, larger images will increase the load time of the tracking page.

        5. Click “Save”

      7. Once you click save the screen will refresh, and your new image has been added. From this page you can edit an existing image, add more images, delete an image or edit your campaign details:

    2. Editing an existing campaign

      1. Click on the name of your existing campaign

      2. This brings up a page with all the existing details for your campaign.

      3. From here you can edit the campaign header, duration, cost centre etc by editing the fields under “Create”. Make sure you click save once you have made your preferred changes.

      4. To delete an image, click on”Delete” next to the required image

      5. To edit an image or the image url, click on the image name

  3. Viewing your campaign on the tracking portal

    1. After creating your campaign and uploading your campaign images, the campaign will be shown on the OmniParcel Tracking Portal. If your campaign is not showing, double check that:

      1. You’re within the campaign start and end dates

      2. You’re in the correct country, and if required, the correct state to view the campaign

      3. The consignment you are checking belongs to the cost centre you selected

      4. Your campaign is active

      5. Your campaign has images

  4. Reports

    1. To view your tracking portal campaign stats, a report is available for download under Reports > Tracking Portal Stats.


Table 1 - fields explained





Campaign name:

Name of campaign. If you have a lot of campaigns, make sure you give it an easy to remember name This is not displayed publicly and is for internal purposes only.

Campaign header:

This is the header of your campaign and will be displayed above your campaign image. Populate this with the wording you want. If you leave the field blank “Check out our latest deals” will be displayed by default


This is the countries where the campaign will be displayed, and refers to the destination country of your campaign, e.g., if you select Australia it will display for parcels to Australia only.

If you selects “All”, all countries will be able to see the campaign.

State codes:

In order to use the “state code” field, a country must be selected first.

Once you have selected a country, you can select a state from the dropdown list, e.g., if you select Australia as the country and New South Wales as the state, the campaign will only be visible to parcels going to New South Wales in Australia.

Start Date:

Campaign start date. NOTE: this is in UTC

End Date:

Campaign end date. NOTE: this is in UTC

Cost center id:

Select the cost centre that the campaign relates to


By clicking “save”, the campaign is created and will be display in the campaign summary screen.

NOTE: The campaign will not be displayed until you add an image. See point 2.a.iv

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