6.6 Block Consignment

6.6 Block Consignment

  1. Click the “Administration” Menu at the top of the screen

  2. Choose “Block Consignment”

  1. Once you click on Block Consignment, you will see the list of all previously blocked consignments.

  1. You can also filter the list by origin and destination ports.

  1. To block new consignments click on “Add to list” button on top left hand side.

  1. OmniParcel will open a new popup window to the block consignment. You will need to enter all required information and click Save.

  1. If you enter an incorrect consignment number then OmniParcel will display the below error message.

  1. Once you click “Save” OmniParcel will add that consignment to the Block Consignment list

  2. After adding a consignment to the block list, if an origin or destination attempt to scan the package then OmniParcel will show below message. It will give a beep sound on scan and scanning will not take any effect.

10. To edit an existing consignment, click on the consignment number in the exception list and OmniParcel will open an edit popup box.

11. Just change consignment status from “Blocked” to “Allow” and click on the “Save” button.

12. Once the consignments status is set back to “Allow”, the package will be able to be be scanned at either Origin or Destination.

13. The Consignment number will remain in the Exception list with “Allow” status for next 7 days, after 7 days OmniParcel will delete that consignment automatically.