6.10 Delayed parcel broadcast

6.10 Delayed parcel broadcast


The purpose of this document is to explain how a user can send an email broadcast to bulk notify customers of delays or other important information on a connote level.


Creating a template

  1. Log in to OmniParcel

  2. Under ‘Administration’, select ‘Delayed Parcel Email Broadcast’, then click on ‘Template’:

  3. On this page you will see a list your existing templates. To add a new template, click ‘Add new’. This will take you to the template builder.

  4. The following screen is the template builder:

    1. Name: This is the name of your template. Give it an easy to remember name, ie. Delayed parcels 2nd Nov 2021

    2. Senders Name: This is the name that will be displayed as your sender name, ie. SEKO Customer Service Team

    3. Sending Email Address: This will automatically be the email address you have previously verified with us. If you require these emails to be sent from a different email address, please contact our support team here.

    4. Email Subject: This is the email subject. Give it an easy-to-understand subject field so the recipient understands what the email relates to. You can also use the default subject.

    5. Is Enabled: Only enabled templates will appear once you proceed to the deployment stage. If you have a lot of templates, it can be a good idea to disable them after they have been sent.

    6. Email Body: This is where you build your template. You can build it using the standard text editor available, or if you are comfortable with HTML, you can click on the < > icon to open the HTML editor. HTML Builder:

    7. Placeholders: To the right of the template builder is a list of the available placeholders for this template builder. The placeholders will read and display unique information based on the below:

      1. RECEIVERSNAME: This is the name of the recipient as it is written on the shipment

      2. DELIVERYREFERENCE: This is the information we receive from you in the delivery reference field, this is often the customer’s order number

      3. SENDERSNAME: This is the connote sender name as you have defined it

      4. CONNOTE: This is the connote for the order

      5. LOGO: This is your logo. You first need to upload the logo (instructions below), and after that you can move the logo around within the template using the {LOGO} placeholder

    8. Logo image: This is where you upload your logo.

      1. Accepted formats:

        1. JPEG

        2. PNG

    9. Logo Click Link: This is the destination URL that the user will be directed to if they click on your logo in the email.

  5. Once you have populated all your fields and you are happy with your template, click ‘Save’.

  6. This takes you back to your template summary screen:

  7. From here you can edit or delete the template, or you can send a test email.

  8. To send a test email, tick the box next to the name of the template you want to test, enter the recipient email address in the ‘Test Email Address’ field, and click ‘Send Test Email’.

  9. To edit an existing template, click on the name for that template. This will take you back to the template builder. You can also delete a template that you no longer need by clicking on the red ‘Delete’ icon.


Useful tips

  1. If you have an existing template in OmniParcel and you want to use the same formatting, you can copy the HTML from this template and paste it into the HTML editor in your ‘Delayed Parcel Email’ template.

  2. If you want to provide a tracking link in the email, you can do that by entering the following: http://track.omniparcel.com/{CONNOTE}


Sending an email

  1. Now that you have built your template, the next step is to define your recipients and send your email. Under ‘Administration’, select ‘Delayed Parcel Email Broadcast’, then click on ‘Connotes’:

  2. On the next screen, you can either upload a file with the impacted connotes, or use the input field to enter the connotes:

    1. Accepted file format (Please note there is a template available for download in the portal):

      1. Accepted file format: CSV

      2. Accepted columns: 1

      3. Accepted column header: N/A

      4. Accepted content: Connotes

      5. Accepted format: Numbers and letters only, no spaces or special characters (Ie, 123-456 must be entered as 123456)

    2. If you use the input field, you can either copy and paste a list of connotes from an excel file, or you can manually type in the required connotes.

      1. Connote numbers need to be separated either with comma and no spaces: 12345,67890,45678

      2. OR with line breaks and no commas:




    3. Once you have uploaded your file or entered the connotes, click “Preview connotes”

  3. This is the screen where you will send your email. From here you will choose which template you want to deploy, where to send the confirmation that your emails have been deployed, and this is also where you view your connote numbers.

    1. Start by reviewing your list of connotes to ensure they are valid; the invalid connote numbers will be displayed at the top of your list.

      1. If you have any invalid connotes, you can use your browsers back-arrow to go back and revise your list (Note: if you take any other action, ie entering another section of Omniparcel you will need to re-enter the connotes)

      2. Possible errors:

        1. Invalid connote

        2. Missing email address

    2. Select which connotes you want to send the email to. You can do this by ticking each connote manually, or if you want to email everyone on your list, you can tick the very top tick box:
      PLEASE NOTE: Only valid connotes can be selected. Any invalid connotes will be ignored when deploying the email.

    3. Once you have selected which connotes you want to email, scroll back to the top of the screen, and populate the form:

      1. Email templates: This will provide you with a list of templates you have already created. The name of the template is the name you defined in step 4 a.

        1. If you haven’t created a template yet, go back to step 1 under “Creating a template” in this guide

        2. If you have created a template and it’s not showing up on the list, go back to step 4 under “Creating a template” and make sure “Is Enabled” says “Yes”

      2. Batch name: This is the name of the send job. Give it an easy to remember name, such as Delayed Parcel Broadcast 2nd Nov 2021

      3. Your notification email: This is the email address we will use to send you a confirmation that your Delayed Parcel Broadcast has been successfully deployed.

      4. View Template: If you want to give your template one final look, you can click ‘View Template’ and it will open the template editor in a new tab.

      5. Send Email: Once you have selected which connotes to email and filled out all the details at the top of the page, click “Send Email”.
        NOTE: This will immediately add your email to a sending queue, so make sure you are ready to send the email before clicking “Send Email”.

  4. A message will appear on the screen to confirm that the job has been accepted. You can now close this window if you like.

  5. If you have not received a confirmation email that the Delayed Parcel Broadcast has been deployed within two hours of clicking “Send Email”, please contact our helpdesk here with the following subject: “Delayed Parcel Broadcast - Confirmation Email Not Received”

  6. You’re done! 😊

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