6.11 Preferences and Settings

6.11 Preferences and Settings

The preference and setting page enables the user to customize their profile settings according to their requirements.





Label Printer

This setting enables the user to select their configured printer. If you cant find your printer you can install the print agent using this manual. If PDF File download is selected, omniparcel will download A4 PDF file after consignment creation instead of sending a label to a printer.

Label print with 4X6 format

This setting enables the user to change the size of their label. This setting will work for web portal only. If you wish to set your preferred page size then you can change your print agent settings.

Delivery Reference should be mandatory

This will force user to provide delivery reference (Reference 1) at the time of consignment creation.

Reset Cost Center after each connote

OmniParcel will save your last used cost center so that user don't need to select cost center everytime while creating consignment.