FTP Load Product Masters

FTP Load Product Masters

Templates and file examples

The example template below can be used as a starting point for an FTP integration. CSV file templates can be found here. The specific mapping is confirmed with the client during integration with SEKO.


FTP XML Response file examples

For XML FTP uploads, the system provides a response file. Below are examples of the response file. More information on response files can be found here.



XML formatting

Example body


Example success response body (2 entities)


Example failure response body (2 entities)

<Message>Error Submitting Product Master: PMTest123 - Error. Product code PMTest123 already exists in database.</Message>
<Message>The field CountryOfOrigin must be a string with a maximum length of 2.</Message>

Example success and failure response in a single XML file (2 entities)

<Message>Error Submitting Product Master: PMTest234 - Error. Product code PMTest234 already exists in database.</Message>

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