Stock Report.

Stock Report.

Displays stock levels. If the account is connected to more than one DC, the stock for the specific DC can be determined using the 'DC' column.

Report interface location: Logistics → Reports

Points to note

·         This report allows you to view Available Stock and other location type levels. You can apply a number of different filters, such as searching by Product Code.

·         Stock Movements that the DC performs will affect the stock levels per location. There is no individual stock movement report. Otherwise the data can be provided during the integration with the Push Stock Status Movement service.

Field descriptions

Field: Stock Overnight Summary/Stock ReportDescription
QtyOnHand / Free:Total stock in a confirmed "Available Stock" location
QtyGRNPendingConfirmed / Free Pending:

Total stock that has been received into an "Available Stock" location but the GRN has not been confirmed yet.

QtyInQC / QC:Total stock in a confirmed "QC" location.
QtyInQCPendingConfirmed / QC Pending:

Total stock that has been received into a "QC" location but the GRN has not been confirmed yet.

QtyInQuery / Query:

Total stock in a confirmed "Query" location.
QtyInQuarantine / Quarantine:Total stock in a "Quarantine" location.
QtyInPutAway / To Put Away:Total stock that has been received into a bin box but not put away into a location.
QtyInAllocated / Free Allocated:Total stock for confirmed dispatch requests in an "Available Stock" location ready to be picked.
QtyInPick / Pick:Total dispatch quantity currently being picked.
QtyToDispatch / To DispatchTotal dispatch quantity packed and ready to be dispatched.
TotalInDC (Stock Report only)Combination of all stock totals throughout the DC including pick totals. This is NOT an available stock total. It is all stock still within the DC (including picked stock).
Open SOsonce the product attached to SO, order qty will populate on this field and will be removed upon dispatch request is confirmed.
Free allocated order qty will populate on this field once dispatch request is confirmed then will also less from free column


·         Use the search bar to filter results.

·         Use the scroll bar at the bottom of page to view stock levels of SKU in different location types.