Dispatch Update

Dispatch Update

To be able to change the address, contact, and pricing of orders you can update it from the Dispatch Update Screen.

Logistics Tab> Dispatch Menu> Dispatch Update.

1. From the side navigation menu, click Logistics, select Dispatch and click Dispatch Update.

2. Click the Search button to return records. To view specific records, use the search fields, filter, or scroll down.

3. To Expand/Collapse the line item, you must click the “+” icon beside the Update Address button.

4. To update the dispatch delivery address, click the Update Address button.

Update the address information needed and click the Update button once done.

5.  To update the customer’s contact information, click the Update Contact button.

Update the Contact information needed and click the Update button once done.

6. To Update the pricing of the product, click the Update Pricing button.

7. To view the pricing guide, click the “i” icon.

8. Scroll right and enter pricing details for Unit Currency, Unit Price, Unit VAT, and Unit Customs Value.


For orders with the label that has been pre-allocated, address, contact, and pricing cannot be updated.