Order Picking Packing User Guide









Order Picking Packing User Guide






Order Picking Process



Order Picking Packing was based on the current “Pick by SKU” process, which allows each client to create 2 configurations: Pick Pack Method and Temp Bin Label. This process also uses GS1 prefix. This will surely make the picking and packing process efficient and with the use of SSCC.

Used by the US to pick and pack orders for bulk orders for pallets and boxes.




Go to Logistics > Order Pick Pack > Configuration


This allows users to view list of clients with access to order picking packing process and allow 2 configurations for each client in the DC which are:


P ick Pack Method:

  1. Pick using License Plate

  2. Pick using SKU

Temp Bin Label:

  1. Pick into Temp Bin

  2. No Temp Bin Required



View Configuration Page

To view and search for client configuration, go to configuration page.

Notes: Click the “i” icon to view temp bin usage.


Add Client Configuration

To add new client configuration, click the “Create New” button.



Enter the Required details for a specific Client. This includes the Pick Pack Method, SKU Type (if required), GS1 Prefix, Temp Bin Label setting and Dispatch on Close Pack.


Notes: Select “I” icon to view GS1 Prefix Guide.


  1. Select Client from Drop-down.

  2. Select Pick Pack Method.

If Pick Pack Method selected is “SKU”, SKU Type will be enabled. Select SKU Type required from drop-down.

  1. Set the GS1 Prefix Required. Enter numeric values equivalent to GS1 Prefix selected.

  2. Toggle the Temp Bin Button to “YES” if required Temp Bin Label. If not required, set to “NO”.

  3. Dispatch on Close Pack, this determines to set status on “Close Order”. Toggle the Dispatch on Close Pack to “YES” if required to set dispatch status to “Dispatched”. This means the dispatch is completed and no more changes can be made.

If Dispatch on close Pack is set to “NO”, dispatch status is set to “To Dispatch”. Changes can still be made to dispatch (ex. change carrier reference).

Then click the Save button. Once done, you have successfully created the configuration.



*GS1 Prefix – a unique company prefix that complies with GS1 Standards.

– Will be used when generating the Dispatch Carton Labels (SSCC).

*Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) – used by companies to identify logistic unit, which can be any combination of trade items packaged together for storage and/or transport purposes.


Edit Client Configuration

To edit Client Configuration, click the “Edit” button.

You may change the Configuration details required and then click the Save button.

Delete Client Configuration

To delete client configuration, click the “Delete” button.

A confirmation message will appear, then click the OK button.

Export Client Configuration

Item Warehouse –

Order Picking and Packing processes used these values for a SKU:

Note: The system will attempt to pick the highest first:

  1. Pallet

  2. Case

  3. Inner

  4. Eaches

A SKU may also be configure based on the following:

  • Pallet Qty

  • Case Qty

  • Inner Qty


Dispatch List

To view Dispatch Records using Order Picking Packing Process, go to Dispatch List Menu Page.


View Dispatch List


To view Dispatch List records, use the search, sort, filter to view specific records.



Use the Expand/Collapse button to view Dispatch Line Records.

To view Dispatch Details, click the View Button.

User will be able to view the dispatch lines and line summary details upon picking and packing of the item.


Click the Back to List button to go back to the Dispatch List grid.


Click the SPS Export button to proceed to SPS Export page.

Click the Export button to export the SPS file.


Select the file format for Export. (Excel, PDF, XML, CSV)

Click the Back to List Button to go back to Dispatch List grid.

Update Dispatch Details


Users may change Sales Order Type from TMS Carrier Label Exceptions and Dispatch Update Details.


If a client uses order picking packing process and would like to change a sales order to retail or wholesales order so that they can picked to a Temp bin.


Print Temp Bin Labels

Go to Printing > Print Temp Bin Labels


This allows user to print Temp Bin Labels in advance and then use these labels on the “Order Picking” module when picking the dispatch to a “Temp Bin”.

  1. Enter the Number of Labels (Required) that needs to be print, then select from Drop-down the Label Printer. User has the option to print on screen or sent to print server.

  2. Click the Print Button to proceed.




Number of Labels:

Max quantity allowed to be Printed is 500.


Sample Temp Bin Label

  1. Mobile – Order Picking

  2. Go to HHT.

  3. Go to dispatches, then click Order Picking.

Next, Scan or Enter Dispatch Barcode and they will be directed to this dispatch or select a client and click the Load Dispatches button.

If using barcode scanner, it will go directly to the dispatch page or after clicking the Load Dispatches button, they will manually select a dispatch to pick.

Scan Location, scan SKU, then enter the Qty to pick. Else, click the Skip button.

Notes: click the box button to change to Pallets to pick or Qty to pick.

Once done, a confirmation message will appear. User may continue picking other dispatches.


Different Pick Screens:


Without TEMP BIN, Pick pack Method license plate, item warehouse set to none.

Without TEMP BIN, Pick pack Method license plate, item warehouse set.

With TEMP BIN, Pick pack Method SKU, Order type: Retail/Wholesale, item warehouse set.

Without TEMP BIN, Pick pack Method license plate, item warehouse set.


Things to Remember:

Includes dispatches with being picked and confirmed.

If a client is enabled to use Wave Picking, then only Wholesale and Retail orders can be picked.

For Order Type of the Dispatch:

*Retail/wholesale Order Type

a. oldest Best Before Date

b. Highest Location Sort Order

c. Licence Plate Number

*All other Order Types

a. Oldest Best Before Date

b. Lowest Location Sort Order

c. Licence Plate Number

Mobile – Order Packing without a Temp Bin

Once done with order picking, go to Order


Go to Dispatches > Order Packing



Mobile – Order Packing with Temp Bin


Go to Dispatches > Order Packing


Scan the Dispatch Barcode or select a client then click the Load Dispatches button.

Then click the Select button of the dispatch to pack.

Print Dispatch Carton Labels


Go to Admin > Printing > Print Dispatch Carton Labels



Next, select client from dropdown, enter required number of labels to print and choose label printer. You may print to screen or use a printer server. Then, click the Print button.



Sample Dispatch Carton Label Print


Print Pallet Labels

This allows users to print Pallet Labels in advance for DC. This pallet is used on the order packing and pack to pallet” when packing a dispatch carton to a pallet or moving a Dispatch Carton from one Pallet to another pallet.



Go to Admin > Printing > Print Dispatch Carton Labels



To Print Pallet Labels, Enter the Number of Labels and Choose the Label Printer, you may print to screen or use a print server. Then click the Print button.


Sample Pallet Print



Notes on Printing Dispatch Carton Labels:

Max value to print is 500.


  1. Reprint Dispatch Carton Labels

  2. Go to Admin > Printing > Reprint Dispatch Carton Labels


Scan Dispatch Barcode or enter the Dispatch Barcode manually. Then, click the Next button.

Close Order

Once done packing of items, go to Close Order Menu to be able to dispatch the items.

This allows user to view list of dispatches were packed using the order packing process and dispatch status in which are in “Being picked or Pick Complete.

If a dispatch is cancelled by the client, the dispatch record will be displayed differently, showing an orange text, like in the picture. ***users will not be able to close cancelled orders.

Go to Logistics > Order Pick Pack > Close Order



View Close Order

To view dispatches to close, go to Close Order Page. Use the search, sort and filter to view records.

To expand/collapse lines, click the +/- buttons.

Click the view button to view the complete dispatch details about the dispatch.

You may also use sort & filter to show desired results. Once done, click the back to list record to go back to grid.

  1. Summary

  2. Go to Order Pick Pack > Summary

To view summary of dispatches, click the search, sort, and filter to view specific records.



Click the Expand/Collapse button, to view dispatch line records.


You can select records to highlight or to show all records.


Click the records and to show highlighted records, click the “show highlighted” icon at the upper right of the screen.

Once clicked, it will show you the highlighted records and to bring back all records click the show all icon.

  1. To Export Grid, click the export button on the upper right of the screen.

  2. To Pin Grid, click the Summary button on the upper right of the screen.