WMS - Add Product Master
- If uploaded via iHub Service (Load Product Master), the status automatically goes to “In Production”
- If Manually Added via web in Seko 360 Client Interface (Add Product Master), the status is “In Development” where you can Edit/delete/confirm the product before it goes to “In Production” status
To Create a New Product, CLICK the “Add Product Master” sub-menu and fill out the fields on each Tab.
There is also an “Add Product Master” button under the Product List “ALL” tab.
Details - Fill out the fields Required and click Save before moving to the next tab
IMPORTANT - Product code/SKU should be Unique
Product code/SKU should NOT have any White Spaces (space before or after the code) to avoid errors in scanning in DC
Properties - Toggle Properties (Yes/NO) as needed and CLICK Save
If Properties are Toggled ON (YES), you can assign numbers accordingly in the Receipts/Deliveries and will be required in receiving goods in DC.
e.g. Lot number if Lot Controlled, Serial Number if Serial Number Controlled, etc.
Attributes - Fill out the fields needed and click Save before moving to the next tab
Supplier - Select Supplier from the drop-down and click SAVE
Supplier is required to confirm Product to Move from Development to Production status.
Add Supplier:
via iHub: Upload file>Load Companies
via Seko 360 web: Admin menu>Companies>Suppliers
Once done, the newly added Product will appear in the “Product List” sub-menu> In Development Tab