WMS - Add Product Master

WMS - Add Product Master

  1. If uploaded via iHub Service (Load Product Master), the status automatically goes to “In Production”
  1. If Manually Added via web in Seko 360 Client Interface (Add Product Master), the status is “In Development” where you can Edit/delete/confirm the product before it goes to “In Production” status

To Create a New Product, CLICK the “Add Product Master” sub-menu and fill out the fields on each Tab.

There is also an “Add Product Master” button under the Product List “ALL” tab.

  1. Details - Fill out the fields Required and click Save before moving to the next tab

IMPORTANT - Product code/SKU should be Unique

Product code/SKU should NOT have any White Spaces (space before or after the code) to avoid errors in scanning in DC

  1. Properties - Toggle Properties (Yes/NO) as needed and CLICK Save

If Properties are Toggled ON (YES), you can assign numbers accordingly in the Receipts/Deliveries and will be required in receiving goods in DC.

e.g. Lot number if Lot Controlled, Serial Number if Serial Number Controlled, etc.


  1. Attributes - Fill out the fields needed and click Save before moving to the next tab

  1. Supplier - Select Supplier from the drop-down and click SAVE

Supplier is required to confirm Product to Move from Development to Production status.

Add Supplier:

via iHub: Upload file>Load Companies

via Seko 360 web: Admin menu>Companies>Suppliers

Once done, the newly added Product will appear in the “Product List” sub-menu> In Development Tab