WMS - Deliveries (Mobile)

WMS - Deliveries (Mobile)



Receive by LPN

Receiving method by scanning Licence Plate Number (LPN)

  1. Select Client or Enter either Delivery Number or HB ref

  2. Click “Load ASN” then “Select” button

  3. Select if the delivery is Receive by: EAN ( enter value/scan EAN) PRODUCT NAME (select from dropdown), PRODUCT CODE (enter value/scan SKU or code)

  4. Scan the LPN label and enter Received quantity

  5. If Product is Date Controlled or Lot Number controlled, enter required values then click ADD

  6. If there are more items to receive, click ADD button and repeat the scanning process.

  7. When all items have been received, click COMMIT button and message will appear that it is successfully “Committed”

Receive by LPN.gif


Receive by SKU

Receiving method by scanning Product code.

  1. Select a Client in the dropdown

  2. Enter Delivery Number or HB ref or Click “All ASN” to laod then click “SELECT” button

  3. Scan the SKU/PRODUCT CODE

  4. Scan Location and enter Received quantity

  5. Click ADD button and message will appear that “The SKU was received successfully”

  6. Repeat the scanning process to receive more SKU


Put Away

Received products will be stored in designated locations by scanning LPN or Bin Boxes label

  1. Scan Licence Plate and Enter New location (You can Toggle “Show Locations” Yes/No)

  2. Click the Submit button.

  3. A message will appear that “Licence Plate successfully put away”