WMS - Replenishment Records
Navigate to Logistics → Replenishment → Replenishment Records
Unallocated Tab
If a replenishment record is in the “Unallocated” stage, you can still cancel it.
To do this, click the “Cancel” icon next to the record you want to cancel and click OK button to confirm.
Allocated Tab
This tab shows all replenishment records that have been assigned to users.
If a record is in the “System Bulk Scan” stage (for scanning), you can still unassign it.
Click the “Unallocate” icon next to the record you want to unassign. This will change its status back to “Unallocated”.
Completed Tab
This tab provides detailed information about completed replenishment records.
Cancelled Tab
Here, you can view detailed information about cancelled replenishment records, including who cancelled them and when. This helps keep track of changes and maintain accountability.