WMS - Replenishment Overview

WMS - Replenishment Overview

This Menu shows a summary of replenishments per CLIENT.

  1. Go to Logistics Menu > Replenishment > Replenishment Overview

  2. Select Client from drop-down, then click the Search button.

Replen Overview.png


  • Unallocated Tab

This allows users to view a list of the total replenishment records per client not allocated to a user.

  • Allocated tab

This allows users to view a list of  the total replenishment records per client allocated to users.

  • Completed tab

This allows users to view a list of the total completed replenishment records per clients. It defaults to showing recent replenishment records completed but this can be changed to any date.

  • Cancelled Tab
    This allows the users to view a list of the total cancelled replenishment records per client.

It defaults to showing recent replenishment records cancelled but this can be changed to any date.

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