WMS - Seko Billing
WMS - Seko Billing
To View DC Seko Billing Reports:
Log-in to Seko360 DC Interface
Navigate to Business Intelligence → DC Reports → SEKO Billing Tab
Inbound Billing
Show records of Total Deliveries with details such as Delivery Number, Supplier and HB Ref. within the filtered date.
Outbound Billing
Show records of Total Dispatches with details such as Dispatch Number & Date, Carrier and Service Name, Total Units, weight and Unit Price within the filtered date.
Kitting - Outbound Billing
Show records of Total Dispatches for Kitting Orders within the filtered date.
Delimiter Count
Count of Personalisation by Pipe Delimiter (by System Dispatch Date)
Shows Number of orders with NSR such as Gift card, Personalisation and Engraving within the filtered date.
Show records of Total Returns (ASN vs GRN quantity) within the filtered date.