WMS - Packing Enhancement for Desktop Multi Pack
Multi Pack Process
Logistics → Dispatch → Dispatch List
“To Be Packed” tab
Click the “Pack” grid command for a Dispatch to open the Batch Packing module on the Desktop
Select a single line. The “Multi Pack” button now becomes enabled.
Click the “Multi Pack” button to open a Modal window which allows the user to specify how they would like to pack this line.
The following is displayed:
Line No
Current line being packed
Product Code
Product being packed
Quantity of current dispatch line
Qty Packed
Quantity already packed for the current line
Qty to Pack
Quantity remaining to pack
Qty per Box
User can enter the quantity to pack per box
Number of Boxes
Qty To Pack / “Qty per Box” entered by user
User can change this value but it CANNOT be changed to:
0 or less
a value higher than Qty To Pack / “Qty per Box” entered by user
In the above example, when the user clicks OK, it will create 23 dispatch boxes for the current line and pack a quantity of 5 into each of these boxes in one click: