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Here are the changes released in the latest version of RED.NA.

  1. LTL Mawbs - Carrier Quote Number

View the Carrier’s Quote Number on the BOL tab of the MAWB.

2. Mawb Carrier Rating Batch Tool - Search by Customer

New option to search by Customer in the Mawb Carrier Rating Batch tool

3. Hawb Boards - Change Status - Sorted

The dropdown for statuses on the boards have been sorted.

4. Hawb Boards - Time In/Time Out

The Pickup Board, Delivery Board and Station boards have the additional right click option to enter the Time In/ Time Out for the Pickup or Delivery agents.

Note: the shipment must have an corresponding agent assigned in order to update

5. Hawb/Mawb Board Searching - NEW Advanced search abilities

The Hawb and Mawb Boards search capabilities have been upgraded. Searching is now on the right side.

They can be hidden by the _ . Click on Standard/Advanced to flip between the search criteria. The Standard searching is for options that have a single selection.

The Advanced selection will give you the ability to search by multiple of the search fields.

The example below shows a search by 3 Origins.

Below the Results grid, click the “Refine” button, to narrow down the results.

We have added an option to “Uncheck All”. You can also choose to “Apply to Search”,
which will populate the selected criteria directly into the Searches on the right.

6. Hawb/Mawb Boards - User Views

In the Hawb and Mawb Boards, add and maintain your own searches. Give a name for your common searches. Maybe you search by specific accounts, Logistics Coordinators or Statuses… Save them to use quickly.

7. Mawb Mass Uploads - Data scheduled to be processed.

In the Mawb Mass Upload Batch tool, load your CSV file first. Data can be modified on the screen, if any changes are needed. Click the Process button, in order to schedule the uploads to process.

When the Upload is complete, the bottom screen will flash for a completed mass upload.

Re-open the mass upload screen, and review your uploads, based on the date range.

Note: ONLY errors will be displayed. If there are errors, you can correct on the screen and re-process.

8. Aggregate Costs option by Agent Chg Wgt

Go to HAWB Screen. Enter the beginning and ending date. Choose the Shipper, Origin and control.
Verify number of HAWB ‘s for that date and location.

Under the Aggregate costs for both delivery and pickup, you can now aggregate

In the Aggregate Wizard, fill in the search criteria. Click on Select Records. Verify that all shipments are selected. Remove those shipments that were not tendered to us by un-checking the Rate box for that HAWB.

On this screen, you will change the Use Weight to Agent Chargeable. This will choose the correct weight using the dim factor of 250 that is allowed for stations. Change the rating amount to Aggregate. Based on the weight of this shipment and Area A, (3.22 times 9.48 equals $30.53). You add this amount in the available box. Choose an Assembly Number that uses the first 3 letters of the shipper, the date followed by the location picking up, in this example, ORD. This will allow you to search for detailed Aggregate charges reports. See below.

The above example is when you have an opportunity to use Deficit Weight Rating. See definition below. 1612 lbs. times area A rate of $7.88 for 1000 lbs. equals $127.03. To follow Deficit Weight Rating, you would use 2000 lbs. at a rate of $6.28 which equals $125.60. You must use this lesser amount when rating.

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