Blind Receiving is performed if the client does not send an ASN or PO and there is no paperwork attached to the inbound shipment. It may also be used when inventory is found in the fulfillment center that is not showing in the WMS.
If this situation has occurred for your client, follow these steps for blind receiving:
The operator selects Blind Receiving Details from menu.
The operator signs into (scans barcode) a work bench.
The work bench in JASCI is tied to a printer where the pallets labels will print
If a reference number is provided by the client the operator will enter the reference number (ASN number).
If no reference number is provided the operator selects “No PO” on handheld and the system will generate an ASN/PO number for the receipt
Step 2: Scanning & Inspecting Product
The operator enters/scans the product to be received.
Upon a valid product scan the operator will inspect the product for damages
If product is flagged for serial, lot, and/or expiry capture, JASCI will prompt the user for data capture
If the product scan is valid, depending on the client’s SOP, a blind LPN (supplier/client LPN) should be utilized
If no damages are found operator moves onto Step 4 or Step 5 depending on the value of the product.
If product is damaged operator follows Step 3.
An invalid product scan triggers an error message to be displayed and the operator will be reverted to the Enter/Scan product screen.
Step 3: Damaged Products
Upon inspection if products are damaged the operator will record the damage following the below steps:
Enter the quantity of product that is damaged and apply the corresponding damage code.
Link to damage codes worksheet once created?
The operator will apply the system generated put away label and put away freight in system assigned locations for damaged products.
The operator will be returned to Step 2 if there are additional products to receive.
Step 4: Receive Standard(?) Products
Upon inspection if products are in sellable condition and non high value products the operator proceeds to receive the product following the below steps:
Select the unit of measure (UOM) the product is to be received in:
Eaches → Select Eaches → Enter quantity
Case → Select Case → Enter quantity per case and number of cases
Pallet → Select Pallet → Enter quantity per case, number of cases, & number of pallets
Can I use a pic from google? I will search for a better one for UOM