Deliveries To Book

A container or a shipments with ETA <= date today plus 21 days is one condition to be displayed under Deliveries To Book.

  • Tick a check box against the container you wish to book for delivery.
  • User can filter this page by putting criteria in each field e.g. vessel name, transport mode ETA From/To, container number, customer or country of destination.
  • User can export this page just click the encircled icon.
  • User can expand the plus icon to view what are the line items included in the container and can collapse the plus icon to hide the line items.
  • Click book button should the user select the container to book.

  • This is the page after the user hit the book button.
  • Fill up all mandatory field with required information
  • Then click book button to complete the action. 

Notes:  Container that have been booked will fall into customer and destination tiles called "Deliveries Pending" and will fall off from customer tiles "Deliveries To Book"

Reference:   SDCM-1895 - Getting issue details... STATUS