Raise a request here for CargoWise Operations Support, training, reporting, features, inquiries, etc
SEKO Omni IT Support
Welcome! You can raise a request for SEKO Omni IT Support using the options provided.
CW1 Organization Requests
Use this form to create a request for a new organization in CW1, or make a change to an existing one.
Global Shared Services Center
Welcome! You can raise a request for Global Shared Services Center using the options provided. For more information, click on the following link
SEKO360 Support
Contact Support for SEKO360 WMS, SEKO360 TMS, SEKO360 DCM. Support, training, reporting, feature requests, enquiries, adjustments, new users, new environments etc.
SEKO Tools Service Desk - Please read carefully below before choosing an option
Using the options provided you can raise a request for issues with SEKO Internal Tools such as Jira and Confluence.
Please note:
For any IT related issues, eg. new SEKO users, Teams, Outlook, SharePoint access etc, contact helpdesk@sekologistics.com.
Raise an issue here for REDNA Domestic Support, Service Failures, FEDEX and/or UPS credentials & account setup etc.
SEKO US INTL Quote Desk Only
Request a quote here for internal SEKO offices.
Note: If you are looking to see a quote which has already been added to the system and you are not a licensed Jira user, you will have to go through the customer portal. That will be a URL something like this: https://seko.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/33/QUO-nnnn
where nnnn is the quote number.
If you have trouble creating a login it may be that there is some issue with your account. In this case please contact Kristyn Rostan or James Seabrook.
For requests relating to SEKO outbound consignment creation, manifesting, reporting, tracking, and OmniParcel Operations.
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