Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Note: Check the linked DC to the client and make sure that the primary address was set on seko360 (under admin -> companies -> clients).


TMS Carrier Client Setup - WMS – TMS Site

SupplyStream URL_UAT:

SupplyStream URL Live:

Log into SupplyStream using an admin account.

Carrier List

Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier List


Click Create New button.


Enter the Carrier Code and Description/Carrier Name then click Save button.


New TMS carrier has been setup already.


Carrier Company Access

Add/linked the carrier to all relevant customers.

Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier Company Access.


Click Create New button.


Select the company who need access to the carrier then click Add & Close button.


Client has now access to newly setup TMS carrier.


Carrier Services

If the TMS carrier requires to add carrier services, Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier Services.




Integration ID code: (Code must match the CompanyIntegration Integration ID in SupplyStream)

To Select Intergration Partner

My Account -> Default Integration Partner -> Select @  Set Default Integration Partner list


Change Client > Select @ Change Client List - you wish to connect to TMS


Entity Setup -> Client Setup -> Maintain Clients

Click the "Create New Client" button


Enter the details for the new client (leave the email empty) then save.


To Add Carrier to Customer

System Admin -> Security -> Client Entitlements

Select each new client you added and give them access to "DPD NL, TNT NL, DPD, Hermes, Interpost, Omni Parcel, Royal Mail"


System Admin -> Settings -> API Credentials
Note down the API Key then log into Supplystream to continue the set up


TMS Carrier Setup - WMS Site

SupplyStream UAT:

SupplyStream Live:

Log into SupplyStream using an admin account.

Carrier List

Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier List


Click Create New button.


Enter the Service Carrier Code and Service Name of the TMS carrier Description/Carrier Name then click Save button.


New TMS carrier has been setup already to TMS carrier.

Note: If more than one service, add it one by one until all services are added.


Setup the Carrier Provider (Indigina TMS)

Provider Carrier Mappings

Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Carrier Mappings




Carrier Company Access

Add/linked the carrier to all relevant customers.

Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier Company Access.


Click Create New button.


Enter the following:
Carrier Provider: Indigina TMS
Carrier: Select the created carrier
Release Profile: Select QA if it’s for UAT and LIVE for live environment
Mapped ID: Leave blank
Mapped Code: Is the carrier code

Once completed, Click Add&Close.


Provider carrier mappings has been setup already.


Provider Service Mappings

Add the provider service mappings.

Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Service Mappings


Select the company who need access to the carrier then click Add & Close button.


Client has now access to newly setup TMS carrier.


Carrier Services

If the TMS carrier requires to add carrier services, Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier Services.


Click Create New button.


Enter the following:
Carrier Provider: Indigina TMS
Carrier: Select the created carrier
Service Type: Select the carrier service
Release Profile: Select QA if Service Code and Service Name of the TMS carrier then click Save button.


Carrier services has been setup already to TMS carrier.

Note: If more than one service, add it one by one until all services are added.


Setup the Carrier Provider (Indigina TMS)

Provider Carrier Mappings

Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Carrier Mappings


Click Create New button.


Enter the following:
Carrier Provider: Indigina TMS
Carrier: Select the created carrier
Release Profile: Select QA if it’s for UAT and LIVE for live environment
Mapped ID: Leave blank
Mapped Code: Is the Service Codecarrier code

Once completed, Click Add&Close.


Provider service carrier mappings has been setup already.

Note: If more than one service, add it one by one until all services are added.


Provider Integration

Note: Create New button is currently not available. (Back end job needed)

Newly created carrier must be added to activate TMS dispatch.

Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Integration


Run the script:

--RUN TO ADD TO CarrierProviderIntegration (TO ACTIVATE TMS DISPATCH)

DECLARE @CarrierProviderID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierID uniqueidentifier, @NEWID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierName nvarchar(max), @CarrierProvider nvarchar(max),
@DCCompanyID uniqueidentifier, @DCID uniqueidentifier, @DCCompanyName nvarchar(max)
SET @CarrierName = 'Omni Parcel'
SET @CarrierProvider = 'Indigina TMS'
SET @DCCompanyName = 'Seko Hong Kong'

SELECT TOP 1 @DCCompanyID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE DisableLevel = 0 AND CompanyID = OwnerCompanyID AND CompanyDescription = @DCCompanyName ORDER BY CreateDate
SELECT TOP 1 @DCID = DCID FROM DC WHERE DisableLevel = 0 AND CompanyID = @DCCompanyID ORDER BY CreateDate
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierProviderID = CarrierProviderID FROM CarrierProvider WHERE Name = @CarrierProvider
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE CompanyDescription = @CarrierName AND OwnerCompanyID = CompanyID AND DisableLevel = 0 ORDER BY CreateDate

INSERT INTO CarrierProviderIntegration (CarrierProviderIntegrationID, CarrierProviderID, CustomerID, DCID, CarrierID, CreateDate)
VALUES (@NEWID, @CarrierProviderID, NULL, @DCID, @CarrierID, GETUTCDATE())

Provider Settings

Note: Create New button is currently not available. (Back end job needed)

This is just an optional if customer requested for the carrier.

Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Settings


SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierProviderID = CarrierProviderID FROM CarrierProvider WHERE Name = @CarrierProvider
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE CompanyDescription = @CarrierName AND OwnerCompanyID = CompanyID AND DisableLevel = 0 ORDER BY CreateDate


Provider Service Mappings

Add the provider service mappings.

Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Service Mappings


Click Create New button.


Enter the following:
Carrier Provider: Indigina TMS
Carrier: Select the created carrier
Service Type: Select the carrier service
Release Profile: Select QA if it’s for UAT and LIVE for live environment
Mapped ID: Leave blank
Mapped Code: Is the Service Code

Once completed, Click Add&Close.


Provider service mappings has been setup already.

Note: If more than one service, add it one by one until all services are added.


Provider Integration

Note: Create New button is currently not available. (Back end job needed)

Newly created carrier must be added to activate TMS dispatch.

Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Integration


Run the script:

--RUN TO ADD TO CarrierProviderIntegration (TO ACTIVATE TMS DISPATCH)

DECLARE @CarrierProviderID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierID uniqueidentifier, @NEWID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierName nvarchar(max), @CarrierProvider nvarchar(max),
@DCCompanyID uniqueidentifier, @DCID uniqueidentifier, @DCCompanyName nvarchar(max)
SET @CarrierName = 'Omni Parcel'
SET @CarrierProvider = 'Indigina TMS'
SET @DCCompanyName = 'Seko Hong Kong'

SELECT TOP 1 @DCCompanyID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE DisableLevel = 0 AND CompanyID = OwnerCompanyID AND CompanyDescription = @DCCompanyName ORDER BY CreateDate
SELECT TOP 1 @DCID = DCID FROM DC WHERE DisableLevel = 0 AND CompanyID = @DCCompanyID ORDER BY CreateDate
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierProviderID = CarrierProviderID FROM CarrierProvider WHERE Name = @CarrierProvider
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE CompanyDescription = @CarrierName AND OwnerCompanyID = CompanyID AND DisableLevel = 0 ORDER BY CreateDate

INSERT INTO CarrierProviderIntegration (CarrierProviderIntegrationID, CarrierProviderID, CustomerID, DCID, CarrierID, CreateDate)
VALUES (@NEWID, @CarrierProviderID, NULL, @DCID, @CarrierID, GETUTCDATE())

Provider Settings

Note: Create New button is currently not available. (Back end job needed)

This is just an optional if customer requested for the carrier.

Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Settings


Run the script:


DECLARE @CarrierProviderID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierID uniqueidentifier, @NEWID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierName nvarchar(max), @CarrierProvider nvarchar(max),
@Setting nvarchar(max), @Value nvarchar(max)
SET @CarrierName = 'P2P NL'
SET @CarrierProvider = 'Indigina TMS'
SET @Setting = 'SendParcelContent'
SET @Value = 'All'

SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierProviderID = CarrierProviderID FROM CarrierProvider WHERE Name = @CarrierProvider
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE CompanyDescription = @CarrierName AND OwnerCompanyID = CompanyID AND DisableLevel = 0 ORDER BY CreateDate

INSERT INTO CarrierProviderSetting (CarrierProviderSettingID, CarrierProviderID, CustomerID, DCID, CarrierID, Setting, Value, CreateDate)
VALUES (@NEWID, @CarrierProviderID, NULL, NULL, @CarrierID, @Setting, @Value, GETUTCDATE())

TMS Carrier Setup - TMS Site


URL Live:

Notes:  Each client normally has their own set identifiers with the carrier.


For Interpost each client has their own "Authentication Key"

Hermes has a Child Client ID

Royal Mail has a username / password / service occurrence per client

This will identify the client when creating labels with the carrier.

To Set Up Carrier into TMS for customer:

Log into TMS site

My Account -> Default Integration Partner -> Select Indigina iHub

Select client: Ex. Heist Studios


System Admin -> Security -> Client Entitlements

Click on customer (ex. Heist Studios)

Tick Carrier (Ex. Hermes)

Click the Save button


Entity Setup -> Carrier Setup -> Maintain Carriers

Ex. Click on Hermes

Click the Edit icon next to Heist Studios – enter details on the child client ID for Hermes and Authentication key for Interpost (screenshot below is an example for Hermes)

Child Client ID: 018

Child Client Name: Heist Studios

Click the tick icon

Click the save button



These identify Hermes, (Don't change this)

but you can view this at

System Admin -> Settings -> Carrier Provider Settings

Click on Hermes

you will see client id etc. here.


That’s it for the TMS Client and Carrier setup in Supply Stream front endand TMS site.