TMS Client and Carrier Setup
TMS Client Setup – WMS Site
SupplyStream UAT:
SupplyStream Live:
Log into SupplyStream using an admin account.
Client Mapping
Admin -> Company -> Client Mapping
Click the Create New button.
Select the client then click Save.
Provider Interface Settings
To Add the Interface Type Settings, go to
Admin -> Carrier Providers -> Provider Interface Settings.
We have 2 options to create Provider Interface Settings for the client.
Click Create New button if you wish to manually created the provider interface settings.
Note: Each Interface Name along with the address and other credentials should be created.
Enter the following:
Carrier Provider: Indigina TMS
Release Profile: QA = UAT, LIVE = Live
Username: Go to TMS site and copy the API Key.
Add the Interface Name and address.
Interface Name | Address |
CreateManifest | |
CreateShipment | |
DeleteShipment | |
GetShipment |{0}?token= |
PrintManifest | |
UpdateShipment |
Interface Name | Address |
CreateManifest | |
CreateShipment | |
DeleteShipment | |
GetShipment |{0}?token= |
PrintManifest | |
UpdateShipment |
Click add and then do the same for the other Interface Name.
2. Create Provider Interface Settings via script.
Run the script.
UAT Script
DECLARE @ReleaseProfile int = 0,
@APIToken nvarchar(100) = 'eipnqgvazhdvqcfsgidyhfu0ebmzd1aye29h0kj0',
@ClientID uniqueidentifier = 'A431F2ED-A827-E411-B3F4-000C29DA324D', -- M&S School Uniforms
@UserID uniqueidentifier = '4C95B030-6B07-DF11-B335-000C2989186B', --
@NEWID1 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID2 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID3 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID4 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID5 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID6 uniqueidentifier
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID1, '1D2616E1-3AAC-4C4A-B604-37F6A631C08C', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID2, 'FFF30BD5-E2BD-4F38-B9C7-C567AF52D881', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID3, '6FFA4273-7543-402B-8EFE-95B0FFA78A71', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID4, 'FEE2726A-E384-4FE0-8CA6-DEC54018C2DB', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID5, 'D0143356-0418-45A7-B0F8-9438B47711D2', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID6, 'C7D50385-1A3D-40CC-B580-10247E3434CB', @ReleaseProfile, '{0}?token=', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
Live Script
DECLARE @ReleaseProfile int = 1,
@APIToken nvarchar(100) = 'twvek0p1vwqqfedxtztoeb8knsatp8jzs0ontspo', -- Api Token on the TMS site
@ClientID uniqueidentifier = 'A431F2ED-A827-E411-B3F4-000C29DA324D', -- CompanyID
@UserID uniqueidentifier = '4C95B030-6B07-DF11-B335-000C2989186B', --
@DCID uniqueidentifier = '18835ACA-CD37-E211-8B11-000C29E98746', --DCID
@NEWID1 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID2 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID3 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID4 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID5 uniqueidentifier,
@NEWID6 uniqueidentifier
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, DCID, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID1, '1D2616E1-3AAC-4C4A-B604-37F6A631C08C', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @DCID, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, DCID, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID2, 'FFF30BD5-E2BD-4F38-B9C7-C567AF52D881', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @DCID, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, DCID, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID3, '5388749C-89C8-4612-AF12-19201797F0D6', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @DCID, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, DCID, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID4, 'FEE2726A-E384-4FE0-8CA6-DEC54018C2DB', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @DCID, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, DCID, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID5, 'D0143356-0418-45A7-B0F8-9438B47711D2', @ReleaseProfile, '', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @DCID, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, DCID, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID6, 'C7D50385-1A3D-40CC-B580-10247E3434CB', @ReleaseProfile, '{0}?token=', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @DCID, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
Change the below parameter:
@ReleaseProfile int = 0
If value is 0, This is QA
If value is 1, This is Live
@APIToken nvarchar(100) = 'eipnqgvazhdvqcfsgidyhfu0ebmzd1aye29h0kj0',
It is visible on the TMS site for each Integration Partner as per URL below:
URL Live:
@ClientID uniqueidentifier = 'A431F2ED-A827-E411-B3F4-000C29DA324D', -- M&S School Uniforms
It is a unique identifier value for each customer. Get the CompanyID of the customer on the Company table.
@UserID uniqueidentifier = '4C95B030-6B07-DF11-B335-000C2989186B', --
It is a default user for reference.
Note: Check the linked DC to the client and make sure that the primary address was set on seko360 (under admin -> companies -> clients).
TMS Client Setup – TMS Site
URL Live:
Integration ID code: (Code must match the CompanyIntegration Integration ID in SupplyStream)
To Select Intergration Partner
My Account -> Default Integration Partner -> Select @ Set Default Integration Partner list
Change Client > Select @ Change Client List - you wish to connect to TMS
Entity Setup -> Client Setup -> Maintain Clients
Click the "Create New Client" button
Enter the details for the new client (leave the email empty) then save.
To Add Carrier to Customer
System Admin -> Security -> Client Entitlements
Select each new client you added and give them access to "DPD NL, TNT NL, DPD, Hermes, Interpost, Omni Parcel, Royal Mail"
System Admin -> Settings -> API Credentials
Note down the API Key then log into Supplystream to continue the set up
TMS Carrier Setup - WMS Site
SupplyStream UAT:
SupplyStream Live:
Log into SupplyStream using an admin account.
Carrier List
Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier List
Click Create New button.
Enter the Carrier Code and Description/Carrier Name then click Save button.
New TMS carrier has been setup already.
Carrier Company Access
Add/linked the carrier to all relevant customers.
Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier Company Access.
Click Create New button.
Select the company who need access to the carrier then click Add & Close button.
Client has now access to newly setup TMS carrier.
Carrier Services
If the TMS carrier requires to add carrier services, Select Admin>Carriers>Carrier Services.
Click Create New button.
Enter the Service Code and Service Name of the TMS carrier then click Save button.
Carrier services has been setup already to TMS carrier.
Note: If more than one service, add it one by one until all services are added.
Setup the Carrier Provider (Indigina TMS)
Provider Carrier Mappings
Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Carrier Mappings
Click Create New button.
Enter the following:
Carrier Provider: Indigina TMS
Carrier: Select the created carrier
Release Profile: Select QA if it’s for UAT and LIVE for live environment
Mapped ID: Leave blank
Mapped Code: Is the carrier code
Once completed, Click Add&Close.
Provider carrier mappings has been setup already.
Provider Service Mappings
Add the provider service mappings.
Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Service Mappings
Click Create New button.
Enter the following:
Carrier Provider: Indigina TMS
Carrier: Select the created carrier
Service Type: Select the carrier service
Release Profile: Select QA if it’s for UAT and LIVE for live environment
Mapped ID: Leave blank
Mapped Code: Is the Service Code
Once completed, Click Add&Close.
Provider service mappings has been setup already.
Note: If more than one service, add it one by one until all services are added.
Provider Integration
Note: Create New button is currently not available. (Back end job needed)
Newly created carrier must be added to activate TMS dispatch.
Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Integration
Run the script:
--RUN TO ADD TO CarrierProviderIntegration (TO ACTIVATE TMS DISPATCH)
DECLARE @CarrierProviderID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierID uniqueidentifier, @NEWID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierName nvarchar(max), @CarrierProvider nvarchar(max),
@DCCompanyID uniqueidentifier, @DCID uniqueidentifier, @DCCompanyName nvarchar(max)
SET @CarrierName = 'Omni Parcel'
SET @CarrierProvider = 'Indigina TMS'
SET @DCCompanyName = 'Seko Hong Kong'
SELECT TOP 1 @DCCompanyID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE DisableLevel = 0 AND CompanyID = OwnerCompanyID AND CompanyDescription = @DCCompanyName ORDER BY CreateDate
SELECT TOP 1 @DCID = DCID FROM DC WHERE DisableLevel = 0 AND CompanyID = @DCCompanyID ORDER BY CreateDate
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierProviderID = CarrierProviderID FROM CarrierProvider WHERE Name = @CarrierProvider
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE CompanyDescription = @CarrierName AND OwnerCompanyID = CompanyID AND DisableLevel = 0 ORDER BY CreateDate
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderIntegration (CarrierProviderIntegrationID, CarrierProviderID, CustomerID, DCID, CarrierID, CreateDate)
VALUES (@NEWID, @CarrierProviderID, NULL, @DCID, @CarrierID, GETUTCDATE())
Provider Settings
Note: Create New button is currently not available. (Back end job needed)
This is just an optional if customer requested for the carrier.
Select Admin>Carrier Providers>Provider Settings
Run the script:
DECLARE @CarrierProviderID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierID uniqueidentifier, @NEWID uniqueidentifier, @CarrierName nvarchar(max), @CarrierProvider nvarchar(max),
@Setting nvarchar(max), @Value nvarchar(max)
SET @CarrierName = 'P2P NL'
SET @CarrierProvider = 'Indigina TMS'
SET @Setting = 'SendParcelContent'
SET @Value = 'All'
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierProviderID = CarrierProviderID FROM CarrierProvider WHERE Name = @CarrierProvider
SELECT TOP 1 @CarrierID = CompanyID FROM Company WHERE CompanyDescription = @CarrierName AND OwnerCompanyID = CompanyID AND DisableLevel = 0 ORDER BY CreateDate
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderSetting (CarrierProviderSettingID, CarrierProviderID, CustomerID, DCID, CarrierID, Setting, Value, CreateDate)
VALUES (@NEWID, @CarrierProviderID, NULL, NULL, @CarrierID, @Setting, @Value, GETUTCDATE())
TMS Carrier Setup - TMS Site
URL Live:
Notes: Each client normally has their own set identifiers with the carrier.
For Interpost each client has their own "Authentication Key"
Hermes has a Child Client ID
Royal Mail has a username / password / service occurrence per client
This will identify the client when creating labels with the carrier.
To Set Up Carrier into TMS for customer:
Log into TMS site
My Account -> Default Integration Partner -> Select Indigina iHub
Select client: Ex. Heist Studios
System Admin -> Security -> Client Entitlements
Click on customer (ex. Heist Studios)
Tick Carrier (Ex. Hermes)
Click the Save button
Entity Setup -> Carrier Setup -> Maintain Carriers
Ex. Click on Hermes
Click the Edit icon next to Heist Studios – enter details on the child client ID for Hermes and Authentication key for Interpost (screenshot below is an example for Hermes)
Child Client ID: 018
Child Client Name: Heist Studios
Click the tick icon
Click the save button
These identify Hermes, (Don't change this)
but you can view this at
System Admin -> Settings -> Carrier Provider Settings
Click on Hermes
you will see client id etc. here.
That’s it for the TMS Client and Carrier setup in Supply Stream and TMS site.