Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
all MANDATORY fields will have a red Asterixis *
The toolbar on the Header Section shows your progress:
Green checkmark (✔): This means you've finished that section.
Exclamation point (!): This means you're currently working on that section.
Red X (X): This means you still need to complete that section.
Add PO line items If there are any orders not included in the booking.
To add Purchase Order:
a. Manually add PO
Type PO numbers in the search box and click SEARCH button
Click checkbox to select PO number header or select each PO line number if partial shipping is needed
Click “Pick Purchase order” button
Click “Next" to move to the next section
b. Upload & Pack Multiple POs using csv file
Click “Upload/Pack Purchase Order” button below the grid
Upload File
Sample csv file:
Code Block |
PoNumber,LineID,ProductCode,Size,Quantity,ContainerNumber,CartonsPcs,Volume,Weight,UnitPrice,InvoiceNumber TEP PO10032023,2301,B3011BA,S,1,KKFU1572821,1,1.2,2,1,IN123 TEP PO10032023,2301,B3011BA,S,1,MSKU9030613,1,1.3,2.5,2,IN123 |