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Table of Contents

Dashboard Task Tiles

I. Draft Bookings

Click Draft Bookings are partially completed shipments that haven't been sent to SEKO Origin. Booking Task tile to show Draft List and complete a booking.

These Bookings has been created but not yet submitted to SEKO Orgin.

Bookings are created via DCM Vendor Portal under Bookings Menu → Booking ADD


Click Draft Bookings Task tile to show Draft List. Search Options

  1. Search Panel


  • Regularly check the Draft Bookings Task tile.

  • You can either complete or request to cancel these bookings.

  • Once a booking is sent to SEKO Origin, you cannot make changes to PO numbers, quantities, or shipment details directly in the system. Any necessary changes should be communicated directly to your SEKO Origin contact.

II. Pending ShipmentInstructions (SI)

Once SEKO Origin office have added in the shipment details (including mode of shipment) Shipment details and Shipment is approved by the client, it will appear in the "Pending Shipment Instructions" Task tile.

This List Bookings Shipments that have been submitted (Shipments created) but can still be amended updated before the final submitsubmission.


Use Tools in the left side of the Grid as follows:


all MANDATORY fields will have a red Asterixis *

The toolbar on the Header Section shows your progress:

  • Green checkmark (): This means you've finished that section.

  • Exclamation point (!): This means you're currently working on that section.

  • Red X (X): This means you still need to complete that section.


PACKED tab - Unassign PO number to a container if Carton/pcs and Shipped Quantity needs to be updated

DCM VendorLoad Packing.gif

III. Shipments Pending Documents

This Task tile lists all Shipments created from the Vendors bookings where either the Commercial Invoice or the Packing Lists have not yet uploaded.
