This guides details how to set up a new payment gateway for Stripe
Add the Stripe Account
in OmniReturns > Settings > Payment Gateway Settings
If you are adding a Stripe account for a:
Company - select “Comany Wise Payment Gateway Setting”
All retailers under that company will have access to the accountRetailer - select “Retailer Wise Payment Gateway Setting”
Only one specific retailer will have access to the Stripe account
Select “Add Payment Gateway Setting” at the top of the screen
Company Wise - select company from drop down
Retailer Wise - select retailer from drop down
Enter fields per below
Sub Gateway Name: retailername-live/test e.g. Return to the Fold - Live
Monthly Fees: 0
Monthly Fees Type
$: 0.3
$: 0.3
Active: select Live if production account otherwise select Test
API URL: (live URL)
Secret key: from retailer
Publishable Key: from retailer
Yes - if ready to go live
No - if not ready to go live
Click “Update”
Update payment account in Retailers hubs
Go to Manage > Retailer > enter Retailers name in Search > Click Search
Click “Edit” on selected retailer
Click “Assign Hub”
Under each Hub update fields
Gateway Type: OWN payment gateway
If company: select company created
If retailer wise: SEKO Omni-Channel Logistics | STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENTS_API
SubGateWay: Select account just created
Repeat for each hub
Scroll to the bottom, click “Save and Next”
Test Payment is working
Go to the retailers returns portal
Enter in an order number and email address (If you do not have one from the retailer, go the transaction report and get one from an existing return)
Go through the portal till the payment page
Enter in random card details
Click “Pay Now”
Retailers can now update this themselves, we should not be collecting any Stripe credentials due to security reasons. Documentation for retailers can be found at Add your Stripe account