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Table of Contents


Booking List

Booking List will load All current Bookings and show their corresponding status/state.

Navigate to Supply Chain Menu → Shipments → Booking List

View confirmed shipment on the Booking list

Booking Add

Bookings→ Booking List

Booking Status/States:

  • Draft - when a booking has been created but not yet submitted to Origin Agent

  • Submitted Booking - when a draft booking is submitted to Origin Agent

  • Cancellation Requested - when the Vendor requests a cancellation for a Booking

  • Cancelled - when the Origin Agent approves the cancellation request made by the Vendor

  • Draft SI - when a submitted Booking is waiting for Final Instructions

  • Submitted SI - when a draft Shipment Instruction (Draft SI) is submitted to Seko Origin/Branch

Search Options

1. Search Panel

  • You can select one or multiple options to refine your search

  • Type the Booking Ref/Shipment Ref /House Bill Ref/Client or Select Branch or Transport Mode

  • Click SEARCH button.


  1. Header Filter tool

  • Click Column Header → Filter

  • Select on the options or Type keywords to seach.

  • Each column will have a different filer criteria. Utilize “contains” on filter which will not restrict the search.


To view Booking Details:

Click VIEW icon to show Booking Details Screen


Booking Details Screen


  1. To Request Booking Cancellation:

  • Click “Request Cancellation” Button

  • Select Cancellation Reason from the dropdown

  • Click SUBMIT button

  • Click OK to confirm


  1. To Download or Print Booking Form

  • Click “Print Booking Form” Button to View document

  • Click Download icon on the top right to Download Document in your Computer

  • Click Print icon on the top right to Print Document to a printer connected to your Computer


Booking Add

To Add a new Booking: Navigate to Supply Chain Menu → Bookings → Booking AddAdd a new Booking

You need to Fill out each Section/Tab, complete Mandatory fields to move to the next section/tab.


all MANDATORY fields will have a red Asterixis *


The Tool bar at the top of the page identifies the sections you have completed, what you are working on and what you still must complete.

  • ✔ – Complete

  • ! – Currently working on

  • X – To complete

How to Create a New Booking on SEKO 360-DCM

Section 1: Booking Information

toolbar on the Header Section shows your progress:

  • Green checkmark (): This means you've finished that section.

  • Exclamation point (!): This means you're currently working on that section.

  • Red X (X): This means you still need to complete that section.

Section 1: Booking Form

This Form is the Export Requirements for Customs.

Fill out the essential information necessary for processing and managing the transportation of goods.

  1. Add Booking Information - Complete the fields especially the ones with mark *Required.

    • Consignee: Select the final recipient of the shipment.

    • Supplier/Vendor:Factory: Default Supplier will appear but for Multiple Factories, Select the supplier or /factory responsible for the shipment .

    • Final Delivery Point: Choose the final destination for the shipment.

    • Booking Reference: Enter a unique reference number for the bookingin the dropdown.

    • Booking Type: Choose the appropriate booking type (e.g., CFS Load, Vendor Load).

    • Branch: Select the SEKO local office handling the shipment.

    • Mode of TransportCargo Collection: Choose if Agent Collects or Vendor will deliver the cargo

    • Transport Mode: Choose the mode of transport (Air, Ocean, or Road).

    • HBL Release Type: Select the appropriate release type for the House Bill of Lading

    • Incoterms: Default is FOB but Select from the dropdown if using different Shipping Terms

    • Incoterms Location: Type location of Shipping Terms (e.g. IncotermsFOB Hongkong)

    • Place of Receipt & Final Destination: Select the Incoterm applicable to Place of receipt and Final destination of the shipment./ Transport Locations

    • Ports: Select the origin and destination ports.the Origin and Discharge Ports

Booking Reference must be a Unique alphanumeric reference across the client and supplier (Cannot be duplicated but can use dash # instead e.g MT121224-1, MT121224-2, MT121224-3)

  • If no Booking Ref is provided, the system will create the unique reference for the booking.

This is a 10 digit random number prefixed by the letter 'B' (e.g. B0160683477, B1159577369)

  1. Save and Proceed:

    • Once all required fields are filled, Green checkmark () will show on the Booking Form header to confirm you have completed the Section required details.

    • Click "Save” then click “Next"


    • to move to the next section.

Alternatively, You can also click the section header to move to the next section → Goods Details


Section 2: Goods Details

This section provides specific information about the cargo being shipped which includes Description, Shipment Timeline, Cargo dimension and weight, Packaging & Handling.

  1. Shipment Details: Complete the fields especially the ones with mark *Required.

    • Cargo Ready Date: Enter the expected departure date from the vendor's warehouse or factory.

    • Target Handover Date: Enter the expected handover date to the carrier or CFS. (Cargo Ready Date cannot be later than the Target Handover Date)

    • Total Expected Cartons & CBM: Enter the total expected number of cartons & volume of cargo

    • Total Expected PO Quantity & Kgs: Enter the total expected quantity and weight (Ensure the total quantity matches the sum of all PO line items.)

    • Container Requirements: If applicable, specify the number of containers needed .by Size (only required if the Transport Mode is Sea and Booking Type is Vendor Load)

    • Packaging Details: Provide information on packaging materials (e.g., wood packaging, DG goods, MSDS).

    • Fumigated By: ONLY required if Wood Packaging is set to ‘Yes’

    • Marks and Numbers: Enter any specific markings or numbers for the shipment.

    • Description of Goods: Declare what the goods are.

Type a short Product description which may include what they are made of.

  1. Save and Proceed:

  • Once all required fields are filled,


  • Green checkmark () will show on the section header to confirm you have completed the required details.

  • click "Save” button then click “Next" button to move to the next section.

Alternatively, You can also click the section header to move to the next section (e.g. Select Orders)


If you encounter any issues or cannot proceed to the next step, ensure that all mandatory fields are filled correctly.

Section 3: Select Orders


This section is to add PO line items to the Booking.

  1. Allocate PO line items Manually add PO

  • Type PO numbers in the search box and click SEARCH button

  • Click checkbox to select PO number header or select each PO line number if partial shipping is needed

  • Click “Pick Purchase order” button

  • Repeat above steps If you have an additional PO to add to the booking

  • Click Next to Continue



  1. Upload Multiple POs using csv file - Click “Upload Purchase Order” button below the grid

Columns in CSV file for “Upload Purchase Order”

PONumber: required

LineId: Optional

ProductCode: required

Size: Optional

BookedQty or Quantity: required

csv file sample for uploading :

Code Block

Section 4: Confirm Quantities


Update/confirm the Booked Quantities of each line item in this Section.

This is the total units to be shipped at SKU line level per Purchase order.

  1. Update the correct quantity for each SKU/Product Code in the “Booked QTY” Booked QTYcolumn

  2. Once all POs are allocated and quantities are confirmed, Click Next to Continue

  • PO Qty - Agreed units at Purchase stage

  • Available Qty - by default this is = PO Line Qty but this column will be updated based on the actual Packed quantity. If there are multiple bookings, your Available QTY may be Zero.

  • Booked Qty - by default, this is = to the available quantity but needs to be updated by actual booked quantity

Total booked quantity


(sum of all line items) must match the Total PO QTY you entered on the Goods Details



If this does not match, it will be highlighted at the top of the screen and you have to correct Goods Details or the Booked QTY.

  • Tolerance % - This is the specific thresholds for quantity tolerances that Client has set. A warning message will appear if Booked QTY is outside the Tolerance.


Section 5: Upload Documents

Upload Documents:


Upload the booking form and any other required documents.


Uploading Documents in this section is Optional. Green checkmark is already defaulted as soon as you complete “Confirm Quantities” section.

  • Click “Upload Docs” button

  • Select file to upload (Document Type: “Booking Form”)

  • Once uploaded, you can Replace, Delete and View documents by clicking the icons on the left side of the grid

  • Click Next and proceed to “Submit Booking” section


Section 6: Submit Booking

Final step in the Booking process:

  1. Review the booking summary.

  2. Read Terms & Condition and Toggle YES button to Agree

  3. Enter your name

  4. Click "Submit" to finalize the booking

  5. Confirmation message will appear that “Your booking has been updated”.

If you encounter any issues or cannot proceed to the next step, ensure that all mandatory fields are filled correctly.


  1. Take note of the Booking Ref#

  2. Click “Print Booking Form” to Print document

  3. Click “Add New Booking” to create new


Once the booking is completed, supplier is required to communicate directly with the local Origin SEKO office


  • Confirmation of a new booking submitted on SEKO360-DCM, attach a copy

  • SEKO 360 unique shipping reference  

  • Supplier booking form (which you have saved from DCM)

  • Creation date

  • Expected handover date 

. Send email with attachment of the booking form.



Navigate to Supply Chain Menu → Shipments → Cancellations

This List all Cancellation Requests created from the Booking List Details Screen

  • Use Search Panel to filter specific Bookings or use Header column to Filter.

  • Cancellation Requests are sent to Origin Agent for confirmation.

  • Shows Cancelled Booking (Confirmed by Origin Agent) on another Tab
