Navigate to Purchasing Menu → PO List
Provides the full PO list and their details
Purchase orders are Uploaded using iHub Service : LOAD PURCHASE ORDER/ LOAD ALL PO
PO Status
DRAFT – PO Creation has been started but has not been completed
NOT ALLOCATED – PO is in the system but has not been allocated to a shipment
PARTIALLY ALLOCATED – PO is in the system with multiple lines items, some of which are allocated to a shipment whilst some are free to be booked
FULLY ALLOCATED – PO is in the system with all line items allocated to shipment/s
COMMIT – PO is finalised and can no longer be changed/edited
COMPLETE – PO is finalised, shipped, received at destination
PO QC List
Navigate to Purchasing Menu → PO QC List
Allows user to Add and update the QC approval date.
Navigate to Purchasing Menu → Unbooked PO Report
Provides all outstanding POs which have no booking data of shipment received from the Vendor/Supplier.
Pending QC Report
Navigate to Purchasing Menu → Pending QC Report
Provides all outstanding PO at SKU level which have no QC date added / no approval yet