Getting Started
SEKO 360-DCM Origin Agent Portal is a Purchase order management system for origin offices handling shipments from Vendor booking to Confirm-on-Board process.
All words in blue seen in this User Manual are clickable (with hyperlinks) that will direct you to a page with detailed explanation and related info of the subject.
Log-In Page
Enter your login credentials on the Web URL: using the access provided to you via email, then click Sign In button.
After log in, you will be directed to the home screen where you can navigate the Dashboard/DCM Summary and Main Menus.
Icons on the Header are useful tools to Navigate between Dashboard and Menus.
Navigating the Menus
Draft Shipments
Cancellation Requests
Shipments Required Re-authorisation
Shipments Ready to be shipped
Pending Shipment Instructions (SI)
Main Menus
In the left-side panel of the Dashboard, you will be able to navigate to the Main Menus and their corresponding sub-menus
Supply Chain
DCM -Origin Process & Flow Chart
Receive booking from Supplier / Vendor
Check Vendor email or check Booking List Menu for Submitted Bookings
Navigate to Supply Chain Menu →Bookings → Booking List
ADD Shipment Details to a booking
Navigate to Supply Chain Menu →Bookings → Booking List → VIEW icon → Click Edit Shipment button
Add Shipment details, Target schedule dates and Routing details (Flight/vessel).
This will create Draft Shipment in the Dashboard where you can continue and complete later on.
Origin offices are required to create the order in Seko360 on the same day booking received from supplier.
You can also Add Shipment without booking:
Navigate to Supply Chain Menu →Shipments → Shipment Add
Send to Client for Approval to ship -
Draft Shipments → Review/Submit Section
Arrange Shipment or Amend Details
Approved: Arrange cargo delivery or collection - Dashboard Task Tile “Shipments Ready to be Shipped” To Do Section
Amend: Request for Re-authorization - View Shipments that Client requires amendments in the Dashboard Task Tile “Shipments Required Re-authorisation”
Confirm dispatch and shipped on board -
Dashboard Task Tile Shipments Ready to be Shipped” Confirmation Section