All API endpoints (except POST /api/user-tokens) must have the authorization header with a valid API token. API tokens can be obtained by POST /api/user-tokens
or is supplied by system administrators.
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6...
Content Negotiation
All request bodies must be in JSON, and most response bodies are in JSON.
Content-Type: application/json
User Tokens
If the user has the user name and the password, below is how to obtain an API token.
POST /api/user-tokens
Request Example (application/json
{ "userName": "USER_NAME", "password": "PASSWORD" }
Response Example (application/json
{ "permissions": [ "MAWB_CREATE_EDIT", "HAWB_VIEW", "MAWB_VIEW" ], "roleName": "CLIENT", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6...", "userId": "c4b78acb-dd7e-43f8-0123-08d966480dd3", "userName": "USER_NAME" }
The user can get MAWB data or create a new MAWB with manifest
GET /api/mawbs/{MAWB_NUMBER}
POST /api/mawbs
POST Request Example (application/json
Name | Data Type | Description | Required |
BillToCode | string | Organization or branch code for Bill-to | YES |
BranchCode | string | Organization or branch code for Branch | YES |
ConsolidatorCode | string | Organization or branch code for Consolidator | YES |
DestinationCode | string | Organization or branch code for Destination | YES |
MawbNumber | string (format: 123-12345678) | YES | |
OriginCode | string | Organization or branch code for Shipper | YES |
ShipperCode | string | Organization or branch code for Shipper | YES |
OriginPort | string (ex. ORD) | 3-letter IATA airport code for origin | YES |
DestinationPort | string (ex. JFK) | 3-letter IATA airport code for destination | YES |
ClientNotes | string (max 200) | NO | |
Flights[].Eta | string (ISO Date) | ETA (local time) | YES |
Flights[].Etd | string (ISO Date) | ETD (local time) | YES |
Flights[].Number | string (ex. UA123) | 2-letter IATA airline code and flight number | |
Manifests[].Data | string (Base 64 encoded data) | Data must be a .csv file or .xlsx file used for uploading to AC NOVA website | YES |
{ "BillToCode": "CHI", "BranchCode": "JFK", "ClientNotes": "just testing...", "ConsolidatorCode": "JFK", "DestinationCode": "JFK", "DestinationPort": "ORD", "Flights": [ { "Eta": "2022-01-15T13:30", "Etd": "2022-01-16T03:30", "Number": "NH12" } ], "Manifests": [ { "Data": "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" } ], "MawbNumber": "205-89548112", "OriginPort": "NRT", "ShipperCode": "JFK", "OriginCode": "CHI" }
POST Response Example (application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: /api/mawbs/faf3c6d0-132a-ed11-ae83-281878191b28 Content-Type: application/json { "billTo": { "entityId": "5efd9bb7-3d3f-4124-8fc3-b85f2de50338", "code": "CHI", "name": "SEKO Worldwide (CORP)", "address1": "1100 Arlington Heights Rd", "address2": "Suite 600", "city": "Itasca", "state": "IL", "postalCode": "60143", "countryCode": "US", "contactName": null, "phone": "+1 630-919-4800", "phoneExtension": null, "email": "" }, "shipper": { "entityId": "a2d2f371-58d1-4b69-90d1-c9d16109f89a", "code": "JFK", "name": "SEKO Worldwide (JFK)", "address1": "230-59 International Airport Center Blvd Ste. 190", "address2": null, "city": "Jamaica", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "11413", "countryCode": "US", "contactName": null, "phone": "+1 718-656-9300", "phoneExtension": null, "email": "" }, "consolidator": { "entityId": "a2d2f371-58d1-4b69-90d1-c9d16109f89a", "code": "JFK", "name": "SEKO Worldwide (JFK)", "address1": "230-59 International Airport Center Blvd Ste. 190", "address2": null, "city": "Jamaica", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "11413", "countryCode": "US", "contactName": null, "phone": "+1 718-656-9300", "phoneExtension": null, "email": "" }, "origin": { "entityId": "5efd9bb7-3d3f-4124-8fc3-b85f2de50338", "code": "CHI", "name": "SEKO Worldwide (CORP)", "address1": "1100 Arlington Heights Rd", "address2": "Suite 600", "city": "Itasca", "state": "IL", "postalCode": "60143", "countryCode": "US", "contactName": null, "phone": "+1 630-919-4800", "phoneExtension": null, "email": "" }, "originOperatorId": null, "originOperatorName": null, "destination": { "entityId": "a2d2f371-58d1-4b69-90d1-c9d16109f89a", "code": "JFK", "name": "SEKO Worldwide (JFK)", "address1": "230-59 International Airport Center Blvd Ste. 190", "address2": null, "city": "Jamaica", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "11413", "countryCode": "US", "contactName": null, "phone": "+1 718-656-9300", "phoneExtension": null, "email": "" }, "destinationOperatorId": null, "destinationOperatorName": null, "destinationFirmsCode": null, "billToId": "5efd9bb7-3d3f-4124-8fc3-b85f2de50338", "shipperId": "a2d2f371-58d1-4b69-90d1-c9d16109f89a", "consolidatorId": "a2d2f371-58d1-4b69-90d1-c9d16109f89a", "originId": "5efd9bb7-3d3f-4124-8fc3-b85f2de50338", "destinationId": "a2d2f371-58d1-4b69-90d1-c9d16109f89a", "actualOriginHawbCount": null, "chargeableWeight": null, "chargeableWeightUnit": "KG", "notes": null, "clientNotes": "just testing...", "isBilled": false, "lastBilled": null, "lastBilledBy": null, "cargoWiseOneCustomsDeclarationReference": null, "mawbId": "faf3c6d0-132a-ed11-ae83-281878191b28", "status": "Booked", "shipmentNumber": "000001184", "totalValue": 31.00, "currencyUnit": "USD", "totalWeight": 0.41, "weightUnit": "KG", "hawbCount": 1, "branchId": "a2d2f371-58d1-4b69-90d1-c9d16109f89a", "branchCode": "JFK", "mawbNumber": "205-89548112", "transportMode": "Air", "carrierId": "744f9379-76a3-4e65-9124-a3594bd61243", "carrierCode": "NH", "originPort": "NRT", "destinationPort": "ORD", "isSplit": false, "customsPreAirSubmittedCount": 0, "customsPreAirCompletedCount": 0, "customsPreAirOnHoldCount": 0, "customsAirSubmittedCount": 0, "customsAirOnHoldCount": 0, "customsAirReleasedCount": 0, "customsAirSeizedCount": 0, "flightEtd": "2022-01-16T03:30:00", "flightEta": "2022-01-15T13:30:00", "flightAta": null, "isWarehouseModuleDisabled": false, "lastDispatched": null, "lastDestinationReceived": null, "lastConsignedToCarrier": null, "lastDestinationDelivered": null, "isT86Submitted": false, "containsHawbsExceedingType86TotalValueLimit": false, "created": "2022-09-01T16:33:32Z", "modified": null, "warehouseNotes": null, "createdBy": "USER_NAME", "modifiedBy": null }
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity { "errors": { "": [ "Row 1: \u0027VB\u0027 is not a valid country code for Shipper Country." ] }, "status": 422, "title": "One or more errors occurred.", }