Capsys is a system for users to scan images, then tag them as certain types. They can upload PODs or other image types into RED.NA
Process (updated on 2/2/2023)
Capsys drops files to: \\pzusnc1wvcpap01\CAPSYS$
SQL Job: Imaging DB Update - CapSys running every 15 minutes
calls procedure: spImagingUpdateCapSysTech
currently running to handle old folders (on UDSCLUSTER) & \\pzusnc1wvcpap01\CAPSYS$\ImageArchive\Indexed
TODO - Loren McDowell Reminder, On the text files from Capsys, even though we strip out the exact file name, we should fix the path, to ensure it’s showing the \CAPSYS$\ for the path
Creates proper file structure based on accounts, and moves files appropriately
Creates a record in the HarmonyStore DB → tblImages
3. App to upload Images
<Old Process> - Old process was running on APP12PROD01, at :36 after the hour. It was a scheduled task, that called a .BAT file, sitting in a Temp folder, that had hard coded configs, and queries, and would upload documents to FileRepository DB,
New Process – dillon.raneyMike Mlachak (Unlicensed) New process on fixiedust that runs every 15 minutes. Runs a query for orders to check, searches folder \\pzusnc1wvcpap01\CAPSYS$\podlive\ for files and uploads them into the file repo. Archives them in \\pzusnc1wvcpap01\CAPSYS$\ImageArchive\CapSysImageApp\Bak
Server Location --
Application Name & Details - ie: Schedules
Production: Fixiedust - runs every 15 minutes
Location in Azure TFS -~/SEKOTechnology/Internal Apps/CapsysImage