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Administration process

  • Ensure all documentation has been filled out and signed by the client. Onboarding cannot start until this information has been collated. These will differ by region, but the basic
    documentation includes:

  • Online Zoho returns onboarding form to be completed by the client

  • Power of attorney documents to be signed for EU and Canada.

  • Returns- Authority to act as agent for international returns (If applicable) Needs to be emailed to customers broker prior to consolidated returns being shipped

  • Contract signed by client

  • Wait until you receive a task in Salesforce before starting the implementation of the account

Zoho forms

Implementation (OmniParcel)

  • Open Zoho forms and sold rates to client (this can be accessed via the client files or salesforce). These are vital for onboarding the account. The zoho forms contains all information related to how the client wants the account set up e.g return countries, logo, background images, portal features, returns frequency etc.

  • Staging Account
    Prior to setting up the live account, a staging Account needs to be created only if requested by the client.
    This staging account will act as a test site for the client and allows for consignments to be created without notifying the carrier.

Open Omni Parcel Admin: There are two ways to create an account:

  1. 'Add New'

  2. 'Copy Customer'

'Add New' is creating an account from scratch, whilst 'Copy Customer' allows for you to clone an existing accounts carrier and rates.

Creating a new Account

  1. Creating an account from scratch

  2. Click on 'Search Accounts' under the Accounts Section to bring up this page.

    1. Click on 'Add New' to create a new OmniParcel account for the client.

    2. Enter in the client’s information into the Contact Details and Billing address, per the zoho form. Then click ‘save’

    3. Account payable and operational contact fields are automatically filled out. Only change if information is missing or if indicated to by account manager.

    4. Site address information will also be automatically filled out. Only change this information if

      advised by account manage

    5. Adding Tax IDs
      Tax IDs are required to be passed through to customs in various countries. To add these

      numbers in for each Tax ID, click on the pen symbol at TAX ID’s and enter. Example below:

  3. Adding carriers
    For information regarding product/carrier mapping, jump into This provides a breakdown of the carriers needed to be used in OmniParcel based on the origin and the product

    1. To do this, scroll down the page until you find the ‘Add Carriers’ section, and click in the field

    2. A dropdown menu will appear showing all the different carriers, select the appropriate carrier(s) and click Add

    3. Once you have added in each relevant carrier, the account should have carriers showing in
      the below formatting.

    4. For each carrier selected, you will need to add in the manifest return address. This address
      can be found for each country in the on the ‘RETURN ADDRESS MASTER’ slide.

  4. Adding in High Value (HV) threshold

    1. Check the onboarding form to determine if a high value is to be implemented into the
      DDP / DAP: Delivery Duties Paid = retailer pays for the duties, and you don’t add High Value
      DDU: Delivery Duties Unpaid = end customer needs to pay, and you add HV. This will ensure the packages are stopped at origin for duties to be collected.

    2. If high value is required, enter the threshold and the currency.

      • High Value Threshold amounts:

      • NZ: $1000 NZD

      • US: $800 USD

      • AU: $1000 AUD

      • UK: 135 GBP

      • EU: 150 EUR

    3. Customs pre validation required= NO

    4. Click Save

  5. Adding rates into the ‘Parent Carrier’
    You will need to add the carrier listed below for your respective scenario

    • For International Outbound shipments, the rates are to be added into the carrier “Omni Parcel V3” for International Shipments

    • For AU domestic set ups, please add rates to ‘Omni Parcel Domestic AU’

    • For US domestic set ups, please add rates to ‘Omni Parcel Domestic AU’

    • For UK domestic set ups, please add rates to ‘Omni Parcel Domestic UK

  6. Click Save

  7. Scroll up to the parent carrier and click on the carrier name.
    When clicking into the carrier for the first time the view in the screenshot below will show.

    1. Click ‘SAVE’

    2. Add Cubic Conversion, if not pre-populated

      • CBM= 200 (When outbound is international)

      • CBM= 250 (When outbound is domestic.)

      • These standard conversions, may change depending on client specifications

      • Only enter surcharge fields when specified in onboarding form and contract proposal. Do not mark up on cost.

      • Linear template is for adding rates that are provided at per item base level and with a per Kilogram charge.

      • Stepped template is for rates that increase in weight increments (e.g by increase by 100 or 500 grams)

  8. Uploading rates - Once you have added the rates into the excel template, copy the excel file (CTRL+A, CTRL+C).

    1. Go back into the Parent Carrier in Omni Parcel admin, select ‘import’.

    2. It will then show you the below image. You will select the rates format as either:

      1. Bulk Linear (select this format if the rates have been provided as Per item, per kilogram charges)

      2. Stepped (select this format if the rates have been provided in incremental weights e.g. 100grams, 200grams ,300 grams etc.

    3. Select ‘Next’

  9. Review & Validation
    You will then be taken to the below page which is the ‘preview rates’ page. This page validates the formatting and identifies any issues before the rates are uploaded into OmniParcel

    1. If the validation is invalid, there is an error in the rates format, and it will need to be corrected.

    2. If validation column is empty, formatting is correct. Click ‘apply changes’

    3. Click ‘Return to Account’. '

Do not click on ‘Review Cost rates’, ‘Go to Carrier Config’ or ‘Go to Zone file’

  1. Mapping
    Once the rates have been successfully added into the system, you will need to then map the rates to the specific carrier.

    • Without correct mapping, the system cannot create a connote.

    • Returns carriers do not need to be mapped as their rates are added directly into the carrier.

    • The Carrier needs to be mapped to the correct delivery type as well as the combined carrier/service.

    • Ensure the same delivery type in the rates file is what’s mapped.

  2. On the ‘Manage Customer Account’, scroll down to ‘Combined Carriers’
    Each carrier needs to have a combined carrier mapped to it

    1. Check the for which combined carrier mix you should be mapping
      For OmniParcel V3 map either OmniParcel V3 > eCommerce Standard Tracked or OmniParcel V3> eCommerce Express Tracked and Omni Parcel Domestic AU > Domestic Express

  3. Adding consolidation hub
    This is dependent on the origin location.

    1. Scroll to Consolidation Hub Settings

    2. Leave ‘Customs Descriptions Prevalidation Required’ as NO

    3. Consolidation Hub - wherever the items will be shipped from

    4. Primary Shipping Port - e.g. AUSTRALIA - SYDNEY - AIR
      This is required to select the country that the items will be shipped from (origin).
      This enables data when the parcel is scanned to appear in the MAWB consolidation..
      Without this information we cannot assign data to the MAWB

  4. Creating user

    1. Go to

    2. Search > search for the main account for the client

    3. Then go to Administration > Manage Users

    4. Click Add New

    5. Complete fields as required

    6. Click Save User

Copying an Account

Copying a customer is best for setting up an account quickly and without any errors.

  • There will be an existing account for each ex-Origin station which has all possible outbound and returns carriers, that are set up with the correct rates formatting and dummy rates.

  • All that will need to be done in the scenario is to replace the dummy rates in the account, with the rates sold to the client. You will then need to disable any carriers not to be used.

  1. Click on Accounts > Search Accounts'.

  2. Click on ‘Copy Customer’

  3. Choose the “Ex origin client template” that you require e.g Ex AU client template. This template will have your required carriers from that location and a rate template

    1. In the “Carriers & Rates” section always choose “Site configure with carrier and rates”

    2. Add the account name and tick “Use account name as Return address Name” to update the return address names as well

    3. To extract the rates format with dummy rates from Omni, select ‘export to excel’. You can then change the rates in excel and follow the same process above of uploading rates. You can select any of the blue ‘export to excel’ tabs and all rates will be downloaded.

  4. Disable/ Enable carriers
    On the account screen, each carrier can be turned on or off. This is done by clicking on the far-right column. This will change the carrier from enabled to disabled and vice versa.

  5. How to deactivate and activate a client
    Accounts can’t be deleted from the system, but they can be turned off or on. If they are turned off, they will not be searchable in the OmniParcel front end.

    1. To do this, go into the account in OmniParcel Admin and select the dropdown next to ‘is open’ which is under the settings column. YES, means account is on, no means account is off

    2. The account will still be visible to search for by heading to the Accounts tab and ‘search accounts’ and then entering in the client’s name.

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