Terms Glossary (SEKO 360)

Receiving Status Definitions




ASN received from client but no goods received at building


Goods have been delivered but not yet started to be processed

In Progress

Goods have arrived and are being processed


Goods have been confirmed. Depending on the DC, goods have wither been put away into locations or ready to be away into final locations

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Stock Status Definitions

Field: Stock Overnight Summary/Stock Report


QtyOnHand / Free (Available Stock):

Total stock in a confirmed "Available Stock" location (Available to sell). This does not include stock from other locations such as  “QuantityInAllocated” or “QuantityInPick”

QtyGRNPendingConfirmed / Free Pending:

Total stock that has been received into an "Available Stock" location but the GRN has not been confirmed yet.

QtyInQC / QC:

Total stock in a confirmed "QC" ("Quality Control") location.

QtyInQCPendingConfirmed / QC Pending:

Total stock that has been received into a "QC" ("Quality Control") location but the GRN has not been confirmed yet.

QtyInQuery / Query:

Total stock in a confirmed "Query" location.

QtyInQuarantine / Quarantine:

Total stock in a "Quarantine" location.

QtyInPutAway / To Put Away:

Total stock that has been received into a bin box but not put away into a location.

QtyInAllocated / Free Allocated:

Total stock for confirmed dispatch requests in an "Available Stock" location ready to be picked.

QtyInPick / Pick:

Total dispatch quantity that has been picked.

QtyToDispatch / To Dispatch

Total dispatch quantity packed and ready to be dispatched.

Dispatched (Stock Report only)

Total dispatched quantity

ASN Total (Stock Report only)

Total quantity from an ASN on the system

GRN Total (Stock Report only)

Total quantity that has been received into the DC, including increase adjustments. This counter does not go down as goods leave the DC, i.e. dispatches and decrease adjustments.

Open ASN (Stock Report only)

The quantity from ASN's that are still open

SO Cancelled (Stock Report only)

Total quantity cancelled from sales orders. This does not include cancellations from the DC.

SO Total (Stock Report only)

Total quantity processed from Sales Orders