Receiving Status Definitions | |
Status | Definition |
Create | ASN received from client but no goods received at building |
Arrived | Goods have been delivered but not yet started to be processed |
In Progress | Goods have arrived and are being processed |
Confirmed | Goods have been confirmed. Depending on the DC, goods have wither been put away into locations or ready to be away into final locations |
For a facilitation guide and more info on running this play with your team, visit
Stock Status Definitions | |
Field: Stock Overnight Summary/Stock Report | Description |
QtyOnHand / Free (Available Stock): | Total stock in a confirmed "Available Stock" location (Available to sell). This does not include stock from other locations such as “QuantityInAllocated” or “QuantityInPick” |
QtyGRNPendingConfirmed / Free Pending: | Total stock that has been received into an "Available Stock" location but the GRN has not been confirmed yet. |
QtyInQC / QC: | Total stock in a confirmed "QC" ("Quality Control") location. |
QtyInQCPendingConfirmed / QC Pending: | Total stock that has been received into a "QC" ("Quality Control") location but the GRN has not been confirmed yet. |
QtyInQuery / Query: | Total stock in a confirmed "Query" location. |
QtyInQuarantine / Quarantine: | Total stock in a "Quarantine" location. |
QtyInPutAway / To Put Away: | Total stock that has been received into a bin box but not put away into a location. |
QtyInAllocated / Free Allocated: | Total stock for confirmed dispatch requests in an "Available Stock" location ready to be picked. |
QtyInPick / Pick: | Total dispatch quantity that has been picked. |
QtyToDispatch / To Dispatch | Total dispatch quantity packed and ready to be dispatched. |
Dispatched (Stock Report only) | Total dispatched quantity |
ASN Total (Stock Report only) | Total quantity from an ASN on the system |
GRN Total (Stock Report only) | Total quantity that has been received into the DC, including increase adjustments. This counter does not go down as goods leave the DC, i.e. dispatches and decrease adjustments. |
Open ASN (Stock Report only) | The quantity from ASN's that are still open |
SO Cancelled (Stock Report only) | Total quantity cancelled from sales orders. This does not include cancellations from the DC. |
SO Total (Stock Report only) | Total quantity processed from Sales Orders |