

Welcome to the Contract Logistics Technology Page

Applications and technology we support…

Warehouse Management Systems

Integration Middleware

Other Technology

Warehouse Management Systems

Integration Middleware

Other Technology












Our Support Process

Need support or have a great idea? Follow me…

  1. Is it related to SEKO 360? If Yes, go If No, go

Then what happens?

We review all Service Now tickets, here’s what happens next…

  1. Is development required to resolve the ticket? If Yes, go If No, go

We work on your request and close the ticket when it’s done!


  1. Requests that require development are added to the Product Roadmap. Enhancements are reviewed by a Steering Committee and prioritized.



  1. We coordinate development with the provider and test it once development is complete.

Once testing is complete, we announce our newest feature on the biweekly workshops!







Information About our Tech

For JASCI & Extensiv Hub support please use the listed links.

Quick Links


Client On Boarding: Scope of Work Builder

Client On Boarding: User Acceptance Test Log

MySEKO Harmony: Sign in

Trading Partners:


For SEKO 360 or Indigina related applications please use the listed links.



Product Roadmap

Please submit development/enhancement request to our ServiceNow desk or view our Product Roadmap to view the timeline of all current/pending request.

Meet the Team

IT Application Support Team.

JASCI Software
Extensiv Hub

Functional Testing - ORD

Prod. Environment



Jennifer Hogue

Sr. Director, WMS

Leyda Telles

Project Coordinator

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