Kit Request
Kit Request
Requesting kits will generate a work order which will allow an operator to pick, build and putaway kits.
Step 1: Locate Kit
On the desktop, open “Kit Request”.
4 - Inventory > Kitting > Kit Request
Enter the kit name in the “Product” field or click the “Display All Kits” button.
If the kit is invalid, the parent product has not been created. Review the “Creating a Kit” work instruction.
Step 2: Request Kits
In the “Number Kits” field enter the number of kits being requested.
The “Required Quantity” column displays the total number of eaches needed to build a kit.
The “Available Quantity” column displays the total number of eaches available for kits.
Click the “Build” button to request the kits.
This will create a work order, review the “Building Kits” work instruction.