Accent Group logged in user flow

Accent Group logged in user flow

Purpose: To enable customers on the accent group websites to by pass the order look up page of the Seko OmniReturns portal (the first page), Accent group will supply the order and email to Seko so the customer doesn’t need to enter this information.

Data flow

  1. Accent website - A logged in user clicks the return link on an order from the customer account page.

  2. Accent website - An API request will be made to the Velox backend to generate a one time use token and store the related AP21 person ID and order ID for retrieval later.

  3. The user is shown the SEKO portal via an iframe, the URL will includes the generated token:
    Example URL: https://accentgroup.omniparcelreturns.com/bookreturn/booking_return/160/ap21/878bee52-8788-4a0d-9e85-81f66a9c97cd

  4. The SEKO portal will extract the token out of the request URL and make a GET API request to either eWave or Fontis API to retrieve the AP21 IDs
    Example: https://stg.merrellaustralia.com.au/api/seko/return/{token}

  5. The API will respond with the AP21 person ID and order ID.
    The URL will only be used by SEKO to retrieve the AP21 IDs required to handle the return request.
    The response will be in the following JSON format:

    { "ap21": { "person_id": 1234567, "order_id": 54321 } }


  6. SEKO will use the retrieved AP21 IDs to call AP21 to retrieval the order data

  7. The customer will be taken to the product selection page

