cin7 Integration

cin7 Integration

cin7 refer to a return as a CreditNote

End to end process

  1. Customer creates return via Seko OmniReturns portal. Seko generates consignment and send to customer

  2. Seko OmniReturns creates Credit Note in cin7

    1. POST - a draft CreditNote by using "IsApproved": false. POST https://api.cin7.com/api/v1/CreditNotes

    2. POST - a payment to the CreditNote. POST https://api.cin7.com/api/v1/Payments

    3. Approve - the CreditNote. PUT https://api.cin7.com/api/v1/CreditNotes

  3. Customer drops return off to post box

  4. If Exchange - exchange order will be triggered to Shopify

  5. Return packaged delivered to 3PL

  6. 3PL process return in 3PL's system

  7. 3PL send tracking status update to cin7

  8. cin7 update CreditNote - LogisticsStatus = 10

  9. Seko call cin7 to check for LogisticsStatus = 10. GET https://api.staging.cin7.com/api/v1/CreditNotes?where=modifieddate
    (all other LogisticsStatus values will be ignored)

  10. Seko trigger refund/store credit to Shopfiy

  11. END

Create CreditNote

To create a CreditNote in cin7, 3 API calls are required

  1. Create Draft CreditNote

    1. LogisticsStatus:200 when creating draft creditNote

    2. Id in response from cin7 must be used as OrderID in following requests

  2. Apply payment

    1. Exchange

    2. Refund

    3. Store Credit

  3. Approve CreditNote