POST Receiver (ASN)
A 'Receiver' is considered an ASN Receipt.
API Field | User Interface Field | Required | Purpose |
customerIdentifier |
customerIdentifier.externalId | Alias/External ID | No |
| | Company Name | No |
| | Customer ID | Yes |
facilityIdentifier |
| | Warehouse Name | No |
| | Warehouse ID | Yes |
warehouseTransactionSourceEnum |
| ? | Visibility on how the receipt entered the system, set to 7 |
transactionEntryType |
| ? | CSR = 4 |
isReturn |
| Yes | If ASN is a return = true If ASN is not a return = false |
deferNotification |
| Yes | Receipt confirmation is sent once receipt is marked as completed = true, otherwise false |
referenceNum | Reference ID/Reference Number | Yes | Receipt number |
poNum | Purchase Order Number | No | Purchase order number |
externalId |
| No |
receiptAdviceNumber | Receipt Advice Number | No |
arrivalDate | Arrival Date | ? | Actual date inbound shipment arrived at the warehouse |
expectedDate | Expected Date | ? | Expected date inbound shipment arrived to the warehouse |
notes | Notes | No | Receiving instructions can be added in this field. |
billing | Note, billing array is NOT required however if used, please see required fields. | ||
billing.billingCharges |
billing.billingCharges.chargeType |
| General code table |
billing.billingCharges.subtotal |
billing.billingCharges.details |
billing.billingCharges.details.numUnits |
| Yes |
billing.billingCharges.details.chargeLabel |
| Yes | Commonly used general codes for charge labels,
Note, the charge labels will need to be setup per client account. |
billingCharges.details.unitDescription | Item Description | Yes | Item description must be entered if client is passing billing charges. |
billing.billingCharges.details.chargePerUnit |
| Yes |
billing.billingCharges.details.glAcctNum |
| No |
billing.billingCharges.details.sku | SKU | Yes | Unique item ID |
billing.billingCharges.details.ptItem |
billing.billingCharges.details.ptItemDescription |
billing.billingCharges.details.ptArAcct |
billing.billingCharges.details.systemGenerated |
scacCode |
carrier |
billOfLading |
doorNumber |
trackingNumber |
trailerNumber |
sealNumber |
capacityTypeIdentifier |
name |
id |
numUnits1 |
unit1Identifier |
name |
id |
numUnits2 |
unit2Identifier |
name |
id |
totalWeight |
totalVolume |
savedElements |
name |
value |
receiveItems |
itemIdentifier |
sku |
id |
qualifier |
externalId |
qty |
secondaryQty |
lotNumber |
serialNumber |
expirationDate |
cost |
supplierIdentifier |
name |
id |
locationInfo |
locationId |
display |
rawField1 |
rawField2 |
rawField3 |
rawField4 |
palletInfo |
palletId |
label |
splitOverCapacityOnCreate |
qtyOverrideOnSplit |
palletTypeIdentifier |
name |
id |
metric |
length |
width |
height |
weight |
imperial |
length |
width |
height |
weight |
weightImperial |
weightMetric |
onHold |
onHoldReason |
savedElements |
name |
value |