Using API on the Integration Hub

Using API on the Integration Hub

The integration hub supports the use of the REST API architecture. This allows access to the hub services using standard HTTP protocols in order to submit and query data. Submitting data would be completed through the hub Load services. Querying data would be completed using the hub retrieve service. Data can also be pushed to a client's URL endpoint automatically, which incorporates the hub Push services.

The API's are designed to be flexible and are available in a number of different formats: XML JSON, CSV and HTML (this varies from service to service). The services also incorporate version control so that new versions of the API can be created without existing clients having to upgrade immediately to the new version.

The API protocol also provides end to end security by using SSL to encrypt all communications with the integration hub. Authentication is controlled using an API key 'token' value which is generated by the hub.

Types of services:-

Load: Loading data into the iHub 

GET: Retrieve services such as Retrieve Stock Quantitity 

POST: Push services where the iHub sends data to an endpoint