DCM Client Environment Setup Creation and Amendment

DCM Client Environment Setup Creation and Amendment

In order to set up a client environment the Support Team need instructions. These can be filled in using the following sheets:

  • Environment set up

  • Vendor Set up list

  • User Setup

  • Sample PO file

  • Shut down process

  • PO bulk template

  • PO full template

  • Lists

  • DCM Lists

Guidance for Client Environment Setup Requests

Accurate Information

Please ensure that prior to passing the request to Support the maximum amount of available accurate information has been provided.

Once started the process of adding new configuration will be slower owing to scripts being amended. It is much more time consuming if changes have to be made to configurations already in place.

Version History

If successive requests need to be made for an environment, please add a version number to the Excel Spreadsheet so that it is possible to track the changes requested. This will help minimise errors in translation of the requested information to the system.


The Demo environment will be updated as much as possible until such time as the business signs it off. Only then will the Production (live) environment be set up.